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Essential Question What were the important events of Andrew Jackson’s presidency?

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Presentation on theme: "Essential Question What were the important events of Andrew Jackson’s presidency?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Essential Question What were the important events of Andrew Jackson’s presidency?

2 Jacksonian America

3 Election of 1824 Four candidates All Republicans “Favored sons” – support from home states

4 1824 Election John Quincy Adams (MA) William Crawford (GA) Henry Clay (KY) Andrew Jackson (TN)

5 Election of 1824 Jackson won the popular vote No majority in electoral college

6 Election of 1824 Vote goes to House of Representatives Top 3 Speaker of the House Clay threw his vote to John Quincy Adams

7 The Corrupt Bargain Adams named Clay Secretary of State

8 Election of 1828 John Quincy Adams Andrew Jackson

9 Election of 1828 Victory for Andrew Jackson “Old Hickory” First president from west of the Appalachians

10 Jackson’s Popularity Viewed as the “People’s President”

11 Expansion of Voting Rights More men had the right to vote Elimination of property ownership as a qualification for voting

12 Spoils System Giving people government jobs based on party loyalty and support More ordinary citizens in government

13 Laissez Faire Economics Government should not regulate businesses Against tariffs and the national bank

14 Native Americans Goal to move all Indians to the Great Plains 1830 – Indian Removal Act

15 Indian Removal Act

16 Cherokee Georgia Hired lawyers, case went to the Supreme Court

17 Worcester v. Georgia Chief Justice John Marshall ordered the state to honor Cherokee property rights Jackson refused

18 Trail of Tears Army marched Cherokee to Oklahoma Over 4000 died

19 Trail of Tears Trail of Tears

20 National Bank Jackson opposed the Second Bank of the United States Vetoed Congress legislation to support it

21 Whigs New political party Opposed Jackson and his policies Larger federal government, more development of industry

22 Martin Van Buren Won the 1836 election Panic of 1837 hit – financial crisis

23 Election of 1840 Whig – William Henry Harrison (midwest), John Tyler (southerner) Democrat – Van Buren

24 Election of 1840 “Tippecanoe and Tyler too” Victory for Harrison and Tyler

25 Change in Presidency Inauguration address – March 4, 1841 Harrison caught pneumonia, died Tyler became president

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