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United States History Monday, January 28, 2019.

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1 United States History Monday, January 28, 2019

2 HW Quiz & Discussion: Chapter 10, Section 1 & 2

3 The Election of 1824 and “Jacksonian Democracy”

4 The Democratic-Republicans in Control
The Democratic-Republican Party controlled the Presidency and both houses of Congress for a quarter-century (1801 – 1825) Thomas Jefferson James Madison James Monroe

5 Areas of Consensus in the U.S.
Most Americans agreed that the U.S. should continue to expand westward Most Americans agreed that the government should help with expansion by building roads, canals, etc. Most Americans agreed that the Union of the states was beneficial for all the country’s regions Most Americans agreed that the country should continue to develop its new manufacturing capability

6 Divisions with the D-R Party
1) Slavery. After the Missouri Controversy, distrust between the North and South intensified. 2) Indian Policy. Most Southerners and Westerners supported aggressive “Indian Removal,” but a few idealist politicians from the Northeast protested. 3) Economics. Northeasterners wanted government protection for manufacturing; Southerners wanted a much less activist national government

7 The Election of 1824

8 The Election of 1824 “Corrupt Bargain!”
The Democratic-Republican Party split into four (essentially regional) factions None of the four candidates won a majority in the Electoral College The election therefore went to the House of Representatives, where John Quincy Adams was elected with the support of Henry Clay “Corrupt Bargain!”

9 Expansion of Voting Rights
Voting rights had been expanding in the U.S. since 1800, through: Elimination of property qualifications Elimination of tax-paying qualifications Suffrage expanded dramatically between 1824 and 1828 Andrew Jackson encouraged this expansion, by campaigning actively for the rights of the “common man” to participate in government

10 Homework Textbook: Chapter 10, Section 3

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