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John Quincy Adams as President

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1 John Quincy Adams as President
The Corrupt Bargain CA 8th Grade US History Standard 8.8.1

2 The Election of 1824 The results Andrew Jackson John Quincy Adams
Four candidates ran for president in 1824 Popular Vote Electoral Votes 152, 114, 47, 46, Andrew Jackson John Quincy Adams Henry Clay William Crawford The results Andrew Jackson won the popular and electoral vote earning a plurality but he did not get a majority. In this situation the U.S. House of Representatives has to vote and determine the winning candidate.

3 The Corrupt Bargain Henry Clay was Speaker of the House and Jackson accused him of using his influence to help John Quincy Adams win. Jackson supporters claimed the Adams and Clay worked together to steal the election from Jackson. They called it a “corrupt bargain”. Despite their claims the vote in the House declared John Quincy Adams the 6th president of the United States.

4 John Quincy Adams as President
Adams knew people were upset about the outcome of the election. He planned to change their minds by offering many new government programs. He was heavily influenced by Federalist principles as his father was a Federalist. Unfortunately, most of his programs were unpopular with the people and Congress. Americans did not want expensive government programs. Adams passed the Tariff of 1824 to protect factories in the North. Adams passed the Tariff of 1828 which the South called the Tariff of Abomination. Adams chose to run for president again in 1828 but this time the results were different he lost to Andrew Jackson.

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