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Election of 1824 Monroe outgoing President 4 Candidates for President 3 Requirements to vote? – White, Rich, Guy Constitution states winner needs majority.

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Presentation on theme: "Election of 1824 Monroe outgoing President 4 Candidates for President 3 Requirements to vote? – White, Rich, Guy Constitution states winner needs majority."— Presentation transcript:

1 Election of 1824 Monroe outgoing President 4 Candidates for President 3 Requirements to vote? – White, Rich, Guy Constitution states winner needs majority – Meaning? Over half of electoral vote

2 You are about to meet the 4 candidates that ran for President in 1824 Andrew Jackson William Crawford John Quincy-Adams Henry Clay

3 From Tennessee- War Hero…Middle Class Battle of New Orleans “People’s President” Andrew Jackson

4 From Georgia- Pro Slavery Secretary of Treasury Member of Congress William Crawford

5 From Massachusetts- Son of President Secretary of State Favors wealthy John Quincy Adams

6 Created Missouri Compromise Speaker of House of Representatives Henry Clay


8 Election Results CandidatePopular VotesElectoral Votes William Crawford 46,61841 John Quincy Adams 108,74084 Andrew Jackson 153,54499 Henry Clay 47,13637 Who Wins??

9 Election of 1824 No one wins!! – Why?? Majority- over half of electoral vote…no one has over ½. How will we decide who is President? – House of Representatives gets to choose – Who is the speaker of that group? Henry Clay


11 A “Corrupt Deal”?? Adams quickly made Clay his Secretary of State – The past 3 Sec. of State had gone on to be President Was a deal made? Many wonder if Adams promised Clay he would make him Sec. of State if he could convince members of the House to vote for him. What do you think?

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