Triangular Trade & Slavery. Review What was the Columbian Exchange? What was the Triangular Trade?


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Presentation transcript:

Triangular Trade & Slavery

Review What was the Columbian Exchange? What was the Triangular Trade?

Causes of slavery in the New World? Europeans needed a source of labor in the New World ◦ Gold & silver mining ◦ Sugarcane farming

Why were African slaves used? Native Americans made bad slaves ◦ Died from diseases, fled into wilderness, weren’t used to farming Europeans didn’t want to do hard labor themselves (only wanted to profit from it) Established practice of slavery in Africa Africans familiar with farming

How did slaves get from Africa to the New World? Slave traders captured individuals in Africa Slaves sold to Europeans in coastal cities of Africa Europeans brought slaves over to New World on slave ships

The Middle Passage

Effects of Slavery? Millions of Africans sent to the New World Untold numbers dead during Middle Passage Set precedent for slavery in New World Plantation owners grew rich from slave labor

Effects of Slavery?