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Presentation transcript:

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GA GOVERNMENT EDITION DAY 9: The Judicial Branch of the state of Georgia SS8CG4 - The student will analyze the role of the judicial branch in Georgia state government. A. Explain the structure of the court system in Georgia, to include trial and appellate procedures, and how judges are selected. B. Explain the difference between criminal law and civil law. REWARD CHALLENGE: Court terminology scenario creation task

A. What is the role of the Judicial System in GA? –Interprets the GA Constitution –Protects legal rights of the people GA courts protect the people by giving them “due process of law”, and by handling disputes in either criminal cases or civil cases.GA courts protect the people by giving them “due process of law”, and by handling disputes in either criminal cases or civil cases. –Enforces the laws of the state

Civil Case- where the court acts as a referee to settle disputes between 2 parties (auto accidents, divorces, contracts). A judge usually decides the outcome – no jury. ( pg ) B. There are 2 types of court cases that GA’s Court System hears:

Criminal Case - The state prosecutes someone charged with committing a crime against the state. A crime violates not just the victim, but the public as well. ( pg )

Felony- A crime such as arson, burglary, rape, drugs, vehicle theft, and kidnapping. It is punishable by one year or more in jail and a $1000+ fine ( pg. 545) C. There are 2 types of CRIMES that a person can commit:

Misdemeanor - A crime that carries a penalty of 1-12 months in jail such as carrying a concealed weapon, trespassing, DUI, and shoplifting and a fine of less than $1000. ( pg. 545)

Appellate courts – ONLY REVIEW cases on appeal from lower ranking courts.Appellate courts – ONLY REVIEW cases on appeal from lower ranking courts. Trial courts - HEAR ORIGINAL cases, such as criminal cases and civil casesTrial courts - HEAR ORIGINAL cases, such as criminal cases and civil cases

Trial JuryTrial Jury – a group of people decide if the defendant is guilty or innocent. Grand Jury Grand Jury – determines whether or not a person accused of a crime should be indicted (charged) & required to stand trial. (pg. 546) E. There are 2 types of JURIES that are used:

Appellate Court Trial Court Grand Jury Trial Jury Civil Cases Criminal Cases Felony Misdemeanor Terminology Flowchart for Georgia’s Judicial Branch Courts 2 Types of Courts Juries 2 Types of Juries Cases 2 Types of Cases Crimes 2 Types of Crimes

Reward Challenge: Court Terminology Scenario Creation Task Choose 2 of the following judicial system “types” to create a short scenario: –2 Courts Appellate OR Trial –2 Juries Grand OR Trial –2 Cases Civil OR Criminal –2 Crimes Felony OR Misdemeanor Example of Crime Scenario – John sets fire to an abandoned building after getting into a fierce verbal dispute with his girlfriend. Did he commit a felony or a misdemeanor?

Supreme Court  __ 7 _ Judges  Elected by __popular__ vote  Chief Justice is chosen by _the other judges__ Court of _Appeals__  ___12___ Judges  Elected by popular vote  _4__ divisions in Georgia Superior __Court___  __188___ Judges  Elected by popular vote  ___49____ Circuits in Georgia Juvenile Court  __159__ Courts  _159__ Judges and Associate Judges Magistrate Court  _159___ Courts  _159 Chief magistrates  346_magistrates Higher-ranking courts Lower-ranking courts Trial Court or Appellate Court (circle one) Trial Court or Appellate Court (circle one) Trial Courts or Appellate Courts (circle one) State Court  _70_ Courts  __105_ Judges Probate Court  _159__ Courts  _159__ Judges Municipal Court 370 courts 350 judges