Rickie has just figured out that his classmate, Steve, stole his money to buy lunch. Steve is from a poor family, and Rickie is discussing with Lily whether.


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Presentation transcript:

Rickie has just figured out that his classmate, Steve, stole his money to buy lunch. Steve is from a poor family, and Rickie is discussing with Lily whether he should report Steve to their teacher. (R = Rickie, L = Lily)

L: What’s up, Rickie? You’re looking annoyed this afternoon. R: Well, I am. I just found out that my NT$100 bill was missing from my coat pocket. I’m sure Steve took it to buy his lunch. L: You’re probably right. I saw him taking something from your coat pocket this morning.

R: Do you think I should report him to the teacher? He really should be punished for what he’s done. L: I agree, but on the other hand, we know how poor his family is. R: There’s no excuse for bad behavior, and stealing is a crime. I think I have to take some action.

L: Right. I think we should both go and talk to him about it. R: Don’t get me wrong. I feel sorry for Steve, and I know he was just hungry, but that doesn’t mean he can steal from his classmates. L: Yes. In fact, everyone knows how generous you are and that you would have gladly lent him the money, if he’d just asked.

R: Of course. I am always glad to help people in need. L: It’s a difficult situation, but I think he needs to learn not to steal, or he’ll get into serious trouble one day. R: There he is. Let’s call him over. Hey, Steve! We’d like to have a word with you, please. 結束放映

1. bill [   n. [C] 紙鈔

2. have a word with 與 … 簡短交談

figure out 為「發現,理解」之意。例: ‧ They spent two hours figuring out this math problem.

...report Steve to their teacher. report...to... 表示「向 … 告發 … 」。例: ‧ If you see somebody strange in the school, report it to the guard.

What’s up? 怎麼了? → What happened? → What’s the matter? What’s up? 是常見的口語用法,可用來 「詢問對方好不好」或「想知道到底發 生什麼事」。

punish sb for (doing) sth 某人因做某事而被處罰 ‧ My father punished my brother for telling lies.

on the other hand 表示「另一方面」,在 談完史蒂夫應該為自己偷竊的行為受罰後, 用此片語來轉折,說明他家境不佳的狀況。

take action 為「採取行動,開始行動」。 例: ‧ Many people start to take action to protect endangered animals.

get sb wrong 為「誤解某人」之意。例: ‧ Don’t get me wrong. I didn’t mean to hurt you.

...you would have gladly lent him the money, if he’d just asked. If + S + had (not) Vpp..., S + should/would/ could/might (+ not) + have Vpp.... 這是「與過去事實相反的假設語氣」,表 示敘述與過去事實不符。例: ‧ If Joyce had taken the medicine, she would not have had to stay in the hospital.

...get into serious trouble.... get/run into trouble 陷入困境,招惹麻煩 ‧ Addicted to drugs, Peter finally got into trouble.