Demonstrative Adjectives. Pre-Test: 1) That shirt is pretty! 2) That skirt is cute! 3) This soup is delicious! 4) Is that your jacket? 5) These students.


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Presentation transcript:

Demonstrative Adjectives

Pre-Test: 1) That shirt is pretty! 2) That skirt is cute! 3) This soup is delicious! 4) Is that your jacket? 5) These students are smart!

Pre-Test: 1) That shirt is pretty! 2) That skirt is cute! 3) This soup is delicious! 4) Is that your jacket? 5) These students are smart!

Demonstrative adjectives are used to point out things. They mean: “this, these, that, those” This apple. That apple. These apples. Those apples.

Different words are used in Spanish, depending on how close or far away the object is that you are referring to. *Just like in English!

If an object is CLOSE to you, The singular forms (“this”): Este Esta Esta cuchara. Esta manzana. Este tenedor. Este hombre.

If an object is CLOSE to you, The plural forms (“these”): Estos Estas Estas cucharas. Estas manzanas. Estos tenedores. Estos hombres.

¡Práctica! This tie. Esta corbata. These shoes. Estos zapatos. This store. Esta tienda. This suit. Este traje.

If an object is AWAY from you: That Those Ese Esos Esa Esas

Notice the spelling differences? este vs. ese esta vs. esa estos vs. esos estas vs. esas “This and these keep the T, that and those the T goes”

¡Práctica! That shirt. Esa camisa. Those shoes. Esos zapatos. That store. Esa tienda. Those stores. Esas tiendas.

If an object is REALLY FAR AWAY: That Those Aquel Aquellos Aquella Aquellas

¡Práctica! That car. (el carro) Aquel carro. Those cars. Aquellos carros.

Demonstrative adjectives and pronouns Near esteesta estosestas Farther away eseesa esosesas At a great distance aquelaquella aquellosaquellas thisthese thatthose thatthose

Putting it all together: This book. These books. That book. (medium distance) Those books. (medium distance) That book. (really far away) Those books. (really far away)

this school esta escuela

this pencil este lápiz

This class esta clase

these students estos estudiantes

these girls estas chicas

This dinner Esta cena

Those fruits Esas frutas

Those teachers Esos maestros

That school (really far away) Aquella escuela

Post-Test: 1) That shirt is pretty! 2) That skirt is cute! 3) This soup is delicious! 4) Is that your jacket? 5) These students are smart!