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Demonstrative Adjectives This, That, These and Those.

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Presentation on theme: "Demonstrative Adjectives This, That, These and Those."— Presentation transcript:

1 Demonstrative Adjectives This, That, These and Those

2 Demonstrative Adjectives Come before the noun. Agree in gender and number with the noun they modify.

3 (this/these) Singular Plural masculine este libro this book estos libros these books feminine esta chica this girl estas chicas these girls this, these (next to you) aquí, al lado de

4 (that/those ) Singular Plural masculine ese libro that book esos libros those books feminine esa chica that girl esas chicas those girls that, those (near you) allí, cerca de (ti)

5 this these that those este / esta ese / esa estos / estas esos / esas This and these have “t”s That and those don’t

6 Singular Plural mas. aquel libro that book aquellos libros those books fem. aquella chica that girl aquellas chicas those girls that, those (over there, far away) allá, lejos de (ti)

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