Responsible Digital Citizenship


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Presentation transcript:

Responsible Digital Citizenship By Thomas

How to be a responsible digital citizen Responsible digital citizenship is being carful of what you post online because everyone can see your pictures,videos,and whatever you post online. Remembering to give credit to the people or website that you get photos or information from just wright down the website that you get it from . Use your own Facebook, snap chat ,twitter and other online accounts. Just be carful on what u do online

Copyright using others information/pictures without giving them credit Using others information as your own is illegal but it is legal too use there information and give them credit because it is their work and if your in university and you copyright you can get kicked out of university Copyright logo

Online sources that you can use without having to worry about copyright rules If there is a picture that doesn’t have a bibliography with it then you are aloud too use the picture cause they didn’t leave the bibliography. sometimes they have a little bit of information with the picture but you can use that too, if there is anything you find on the web that has no bibliography with it you can use it.

Copy right laws In Canada the owner who publishes the work weather its a story, movie, painting, drawing, or website whatever it is the owner has the right for the credit, so you cant legally take credit for anyone else's work in Canada.

If you break the copy right laws What will happen if you break the copy right laws? If you break the copy right law to earn money the minimum fine is $1000 If you are at a university or collage and you get caught for copyright you can get booted out just for copyright, its more serious then you think.

Bibliography mage_copyright.htm ed-about-copyright ml copyright-laws-20309.html