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What is Responsible citizenship?

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Presentation on theme: "What is Responsible citizenship?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What is Responsible citizenship?
By: Jacklyn Wamboldt

2 Definition: Responsible citizenship is being respectful and responsible while you're using the internet. When you don’t break any laws and you don’t abuse others or any internet products.

3 Why is it important? When youre online you can basically do whatever you want and get away with it. Digital citizenship is important because you should be being respectful of others. Without respecting others, all the internet would be is bullying, and everyone would be doing bad things.

4 No breaking laws If you use the internet right and don’t break any laws, you're being responsible. It means you use the internet the way it should be used. For example, cyberbullying is breaking a law. If you get caught you could be in big trouble. You don’t want to break any laws.

5 Staying out of drama When you see people fighting on Facebook, twitter or any other social media sight ignore it. It docent concern you, by not getting yourself involved your staying out of drama. Tell someone and don’t get involved by saying something on the sight. Its being responsible and it means you're staying out of trouble.

6 Using the internet appropriatly
Using the internet appropriately is a responsible thing. If you don’t use the internet appropriately you will abuse you're privileges, of being able to use the internet. Be aware that bad things can happen if you use the internet inappropriately.

7 selfie Selfie is taking a picture of yourself that you post online. Posting a picture of yourself online could be bad, someone could take your picture and pretend to be you. They could even start stalking you and try to figure out everything about you, including where you live. Be careful of what you post online.

8 sexting Sexting is sending sexy texts, videos or pictures to someone else online. Sexting is very bad. If you send a picture of your nude body to someone it could end up bad, they could send it to other people or even post it on the internet.

9 A story I have a friend that has been cyberbullied over Facebook messaging. She was casually on her Facebook talking to friends and someone popped up. It was someone from her school. They called her ugly, anorexic, stupid and many more names. She got really sad and she started to believe what they were saying. Those people were just bullying her and they were being rude. What they didn’t know if they got caught they would be in big trouble, guess what? They got in trouble and they never did it again due to the consequences!

10 Pictures.

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