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Presentation on theme: "Warrior Wednesday DIGITAL CITIZENSHIP."— Presentation transcript:


2 What is “Digital Citizenship”?
Digital Citizenship covers 9 areas according to Mike Ribble, an expert in the field. Etiquette Communication Literacy Access Commerce Law Rights and Responsibility Health/Wellness Security

3 Today we will discuss 4 of them.
Privacy - Protect Personal Information Respect - Plagiarism, Downloading Music Appropriately. Self Expression - Create your own ideas. Responsibility - To self, others and community. Technology is a tool : Just like any tool, its uses and misuses can help or hurt you and others.

4 Privacy Protect YOUR personal information and your computer. Social Security Numbers Telephone Numbers Addresses Passwords Schools that you attend Personal Location Clubs / Organizations you belong to Use virus protection and avoid scams, phishing, chain letters ‘Share only what you would want your parents or teachers to see – It follows you your whole life.’

5 ‘Once something has been posted, You can never get it back!’
Respect Respect privacy of others. Posting others’ information or personal pictures is an example of Cyber Bullying. Inappropriate photos may be construed as distribution of pornography. (Felony) This goes not only for the Internet but also cell phones. ‘Once something has been posted, You can never get it back!’

6 Respect, continued: Respect others creative works.
Plagiarism: Must give credit to original creator. Using the works of others’ is “Theft by taking” (the same as stealing from a store). Example: Downloading an artist’s music to use in YOUR own creative project, and then uploading onto the internet without permission, is illegal and a Federal crime punishable by 1 or more years served in prison (Felony). How would you feel if you wrote your own song or poem and someone else publishes it and gets the credit and the money?

7 Self Expression Social Networking is a great way to interact with friends and family. Keeping journals and using blogs. Expressing yourself through creative writing, photos and other pieces of works. However, protect yourself: Use an “Avatar” instead of your original photo and name. Never put out pertinent information that may allow someone to steal YOUR identity or allow someone to track you. SS#, Telephone #, Address, Banking Passwords, etc.

8 ‘If it doesn’t feel right, don’t do it!!’
Responsibility Be responsible for your own actions and choices when using Social Networks and the Internet. Use Common Courtesy & Common Sense. Give credit where credit is due. Cite appropriately. ‘If it doesn’t feel right, don’t do it!!’ Remember, you represent : yourself, your family, your school your community.

9 How to Avoid Letting Social Media Damage Your Future

10 Dangers of facebook/any social media
You are what you post 2009 Microsoft survey found that 79% of hiring managers and job recruiters review online information about possible employees. 70% of those surveyed have rejected applicants based on online findings. A 2008 Kaplan study found that 1 in 10 college admissions officers check applicants Facebook pages. 38% of those surveyed found posts and/or pictures that reflected poorly on the college applicant. Anything you post online is public information, even if privacy settings are turned on. You are what your friends post Consider removing friends who talk about drugs and/or alcohol, post derogatory things, or constantly tag you in inappropriate posts.

11 Dangers of facebook/any social media
Photos identify you, so think twice about what goes up Scammers can identify you and steal your photos Double check security and privacy settings Never reveal your location Check-ins and posts with your location leave you vulnerable to theft, stalking, and unsafe situations If someone knows where you are, they can find you which could lead an unwanted confrontation If someone knows your home or vehicle is unattended, you are leaving yourself open to a robbery

12 Dangers of facebook/any social media
Facebook posts can have legal reprocussions In any criminal case (DUI, battery, etc.), attorneys will research all parties involved Anything you write and any picture you post is public information and can be used against you Facebook pictures can lead to child pornography charges Posting or sending photos of anyone under 18, including yourself, in sexually suggestive poses or wearing sexually suggestive clothing (or no clothing) is considered child pornography Recipients of the photos, and those that repost them, can also be charged with child pornography

13 True Facebook Stories The following slides depict real situations in which misuses of Facebook led to unwanted situations






19 “As Digital Citizens we must empower ourselves to be smart about how we create, communicate, and treat others in our 24/7 digital world as we strive to use technology appropriately.”

20 “Practicing what we preach”
Resources used: es/DigitalCitizenship.aspx

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