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Abnormal Psychology Add on information

Social Anxiety Disorder Fear of public embarrassment

Dissociative Disorders *controversial Epidemiology: 10% Etiology Childhood Trauma Psychoanalytic Extreme trauma has been repressed=split in consciousness Behavioral Not thinking about the trauma is rewarding=amnesia Personality Traits Role playing Extreme Stress

Somatic Symptom and Related Disorders *Reduction in DSM-5 Epidemiology: 3% (Rare) Etiology Psychoanalytic Outward manifestations of internal conflict Behavioral Patients are being reinforced with attention

Somatic Symptom &Related Disorder Somatic Symptom Disorder Formerly hypochondriasis Frequent complaints without cause, OR minor issues become major Main concern in symptoms Illness Anxiety Disorder Use this diagnosis if the focus is on the FEAR of a disease

Major Depressive Disorders Characterized by extreme or inappropriate emotions Epidemiology: 13-14% Etiology Biological Serotonin imbalance Genetic vulnerability Cognitive Learned helplessness Stress

What is Mania? Characterized by Euphoria Increased self-esteem Flight of ideas Impulsiveness Risk taking behavior

Seasonal Affective Disorder Mood disorder (depression) that occurs during the winter Treated with light therapy

Schizophrenia Epidemiology: 1% Most severe and debilitating disorder-only 20% make a full recovery! Expensive: $63 billion/year 1/3 of homeless population

Personality Disorders Epidemiology: 9% Etiology Modeling (dysfunctional family) Strong genetic predisposition (67%)

Sociopath Psychopath Charming, manipulative, well educated, planned crimes Cause? Nature (genetics, amygdala) Exs: Bundy, Gacy, BTK Volatile, uneducated, disorganized crimes Cause? Nurture (trauma, childhood) Ex: Charles Manson?

Let’s talk about suicide 10th leading cause of death 90% of suicides are committed by people who suffer from some type of psychological disorder

Neurodevelopmental Disorders Feeding and Eating Disorders Anorexia, Bulimia, Binge-eating Disorder Psychosexual Disorders Substance-related and Addictive Disorders Neurodevelopmental Disorders Autism Spectrum Disorders Attention Deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) Neurocognitive Disorders Alzheimer’s Disease