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User-Defined Placeholder Text Mental Illness Abnormal Psychology.

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Presentation on theme: "User-Defined Placeholder Text Mental Illness Abnormal Psychology."— Presentation transcript:

1 User-Defined Placeholder Text Mental Illness Abnormal Psychology

2 What is Normal Turn to a partner. For two minutes discuss: -What is normal? -How do you tell if someone is normal or not? -Is what is considered to be normal in North America normal in other parts of the world?

3 Mental Illness What is abnormal? Largely a social construction Abnormal behaviour : personally distressful, personally dysfunctional, and/or culturally deviant behaviour

4 History of Mental Illness Trends show a steady increase in the diagnosis of mental illness. WHY ? Discuss with partner

5 Mental Illness Historical Perspective: Many individuals throughout history have suffered from mental illness Instead viewed as: the work of demons, physiological disorders, maladaptive behaviors

6 Mental Illness Demonological View: caused by supernatural forces Biological View: caused by physical malady Freud: Unresolved conflicts from childhood Current: Vulnerability-stress model

7 Mental Illness Vulnerability -Genetic -Learning -Biological Stressor -Economic -Environment -Personal Psychological Disorder

8 Mental Illness At any given time, 22% of the population suffers from a diagnosable mental disorder Nearly half of North Americans between the ages of 15 and 54 will experience a diagnosable mental disorder

9 Mental Illness Anxiety Disorders: Examples of anxiety disorders Phobias Generalized anxiety disorder Panic disorder Post-traumatic stress disorder

10 Mental Illness Anxiety Disorders: Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Obsessions: Recurrent, persistent thoughts Compulsions: Repetitive behaviors or mental acts

11 Mental Illness OCD manifests itself in several different ways: Wo8&feature=channel

12 Mental Illness Occurrence No link between male and female About 1-3% of the population

13 Mental Illness Mood (Affective Disorders) Examples Depression Bipolar

14 Mental Illness Mood (Affective) Disorder: Bipolar Disorder Alternates between periods of mania and depression

15 Mental Illness Occurrence Occurs is about 1% of the population Onset of full symptoms usually occurs in early adolescents Vincent Van Gogh, Axl Rose, Ben Stiller, Mozart

16 Mental Illness Dissociative Disorders Psychogenic amnesia Dissociative identity disorder

17 Mental Illness Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) Multiple personality disorder Each have distinct memories or behaviors May or may not be aware of others existence

18 Mental Illness Does DID really exist? A&feature=related

19 Mental Illness Personality Disorders Psychopathic personality: disregard for the rights and well beings of others May be caused by disturbance of brain function.

20 Mental Illness Schizophrenic Disorders Distortion of reality, social withdrawal and disturbances Delusions: False beliefs Apathetic: No interest in emotion PlayList&p=0655A5F779E91DED&index=0&playnext=1

21 Mental Illness Causes: Genetic? Prenatal? Substance Abuse?

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