Ian Evans SSRL Safety Office


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Presentation transcript:

Ian Evans SSRL Safety Office 650-926-3110 LCLS ES&H Ian Evans SSRL Safety Office 650-926-3110

What is Safety? An organized and managed process that: Identifies and appraises hazardous conditions and practices Develops hazard control methods, practices and programs to mitigate risk Communicates hazard control information through training and education Measures the effectiveness of the controls employed and fine tunes as necessary The role of safety is not to remove the symptom, but to find out what is wrong with the system

Why its in place To reduce and prevent incidents that have an adverse effect on personnel and the environment. To promote good morale through commitment from management. It saves: Resources Time Money

Safety at SLAC The responsibility for safety and for complying with ES&H regulations and standards at SLAC belongs to the line organization. Citizen committees and the ES&H Division support the line organizations in this enterprise. The SLAC Safety Overview Citizen Committee coordinates and assigns safety reviews of new projects and offers an independent review of projects (subsystems) by peer review (Citizen Safety Committees) Committee(s) assigned to review the project give their approval before the activity can proceed.

Peer review process SLAC Peer review process: Receive project Fact Sheets for new projects, describing the undertaking and its associated hazards. Meet with relevant safety representatives to discuss safety questions. Create short-term committees, as appropriate, to address safety problems not covered by the existing committee structure. Issue formal approval when all safety questions are satisfactorily resolved.

Integrated Safety Management System (ISMS) Integrated Safety Management System (ISMS) at SLAC Achieving the scientific mission is based on: Maintaining a respectful workplace which promotes and supports the value of each individual Maintaining excellence in matters of environmental concern and providing for the safety and health (ES&H) of the SLAC staff, users and the general public

ISMS Integration 7 Guiding Principals A comprehensive set of best management practices, fundamental to developing, maintaining and promoting a viable scientific program

ISMS Integration

ISMS Integration - System 5 Core Functions Define scope of work CDR - Project Execution Plan Analyze hazards PSAD, SAD, Ongoing System & Sub-System Reviews Develop and Implement Hazard Controls Engineered - shielding, interlocks, etc. Administrative - Procedures, Operating Documents, etc. Personal Protective Equipment.

ISMS Integration - System Perform work with controls Procedures, manuals, permits, Work Smart Standard set Feedback and continuous improvement. Oversight, regular meetings with system managers, line discussions, system test and certification

ISMS Integration – Personnel Job Hazard Analysis and Mitigation Routine and Non-Routine tasks require review Employee Training Assessments Develop training plan based on work and hazards

Accountability Defined roles and responsibilities Strong safety culture at SLAC Flexible to changing needs Active management of ES&H program (resources available, management support) Dedicated ES&H staff reporting directly LCLS Director and Project Manager. Access to SLAC ES&H Division support and expertise.

Reviews Safety Overview Committee Start of the peer review process and early identification of citizen committees that may need to be involved: Earthquake, Electrical, Radiation, Environmental etc. DOE Review of the LCLS design – April, 2002 External Independent Review (EIR) June, 2004

Where are we now? Conceptual Design Report – ES&H Chapter and Radiation Considerations Section complete Environmental Assessment is complete FONSI issued Preliminary Hazards Assessment is complete Hazards are consistent with those already identified in the Work Smart Standards set and are routinely encountered at SLAC. One exception – tunnel safety Draft Preliminary Safety Assessment Document

Ongoing Activities Recruit full time ES&H person for LCLS Division – position identified and funded Commence Fire Hazards Analysis Complete PSAD and expand into FSAD Develop construction Safety Plan Integrate Accelerator Readiness Review into life of project

Concerns Ensure ISMS is fully integrated into the project and that the management structure supports ES&H. Multi laboratory involvement poses unique communication challenges That SLAC ES&H structure can support a project of this magnitude without endangering other programs or projects Early involvement leads to a better understanding of project demands and more time to complete specific tasks

Conclusion The process to identify, analyze and mitigate hazards at SLAC is firmly in place SLAC, SSRL and LCLS have provided resources and commitment for a strong ES&H program Outside of ES&H issues related to the tunneling aspect of the project, early analysis leads us to conclude that during the design, fabrication, installation, testing and operation of the LCLS, no new hazards will be introduced to the SLAC site.