“Our target groups are spread all over the world across 34 sites


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Presentation transcript:

Scalable Microsoft Azure Cloud Hosts a Fully Flexible Training Concept for External Audiences “Our target groups are spread all over the world across 34 sites. IMC Learning Suite hosted in Microsoft Azure Cloud offers us almost unlimited scalability and immediate availability.” – Dr. Dietmar Kahle, Director Learn Management, Eppendorf AG SITUATION Eppendorf AG operates in the area of life sciences. It came to IMC with a number of critical compliance and legal requirements Eppendorf and its partners around the world had to meet. An optimized distribution structure and a growing product portfolio presented new challenges regarding the flexible and easy scalable training of its employees and external target groups worldwide. IMC needed the right platform to meet those challenges. MICROSOFT AZURE ISV: IMC AG WEB SITE: www.im-c.com LOCATION: Saarbrucken, Germany ORG SIZE: 200 employees MICROSOFT AZURE ISV PROFILE: IMC is an international full-service provider for bespoke e-learning content, authoring and publishing, learning and talent management solutions as well as multimedia and video productions, process guidance and compliance solutions. More than 1,000 customers with over five million users in businesses, public institutions and educational institutions of all sectors and sizes trust IMC. SOLUTION IMC’s Learning Management System, IMC Learning Suite, hosted in the Microsoft Azure Cloud, supports the ambitious project. Eppendorf Academy for digital training is a PaaS solution. In addition to Azure Cloud Services, Eppendorf uses Azure SQL Server and Azure Storage. The training platform is scalable to an almost unlimited extent and can be adjusted to the changing requirements and target groups just with a few clicks. Eppendorf benefits from high flexibility and immediate availability of the platform worldwide. BENEFITS Microsoft Azure’s scalability provides optimal support for an extended enterprise environment and can quickly adapt. Azure’s high availability means modern learning can be provided to learners across all sites around the world – immediately.