Describe result frameworks


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Presentation transcript:

Describe result frameworks Apply monitoring frameworks for programs and projects Preparation stage Implementation stage Completion stage


A results framework represents the underlying logic that explains how the development objective of a project is to be achieved. It is an explicit articulation (graphic display, matrix, or summary) of the different levels, or chains, of results expected from a particular intervention - project, program, or development strategy.

Source: http://kathmandupost. ekantipur

National/se ctor area National/se ctor area Expected situation Goal Purpose Project /Program Project/Pr ogram Outputs Inputs Activities Expected situation Present situation

Is there any hierarchy of change in design? If yes, are they measurable? How sure are you in achieving results? P1: Nepal: Melamchi Water Supply Project and Kathmandu Valley Water Services Sector Development Program Time: Discussion in group – 10 minutes Share in plenary – 5 minutes

Goal/impact/target: the highest or ultimate objective Purpose/outcome: immediate benefit from the project Output: measurable outcomes to be achieved Activities: actions required to get outputs Input: resources to undertake activities/implementation plan Monitoring arrangements: set of indicators and results to track progress; baseline, daily, weekly, monthly, annual and final targets; roles and responsibilities for collecting, reporting, and analyzing data Assumptions/risks: factors likely to obstruct scheduled work Sustainability: safeguarding positive impacts

Key Questions Regarding M and E Indicators for the Project

To what extent will/has the project contribute(d) towards its longer term goals? Why or why not? What unanticipated positive or negative consequences will/did the project have? Why will/did they arise?

What changes will/have occur(red) as a result of the outputs and to what extent are these likely to contribute towards the project purpose and desired impact? Will/Has the project achieve(d) the changes for which it can realistically be held accountable?

What direct tangible products or services will/has the project deliver(ed) as a result of activities?

Will/Have planned activities be(en) completed on time and within the budget? What unplanned activities have been completed and what planned activities have not been completed?

Will/Are the resources be(ing) used efficiently?

Data analysis/data quality INDICATOR DEFINITION What are its indicator and are they sufficient? BASELINE What is the current value? TARGET What is the target value? DATA SOURCE How will it be measure d? FREQUENCY How often will it be measure d? RESPONSIBLE Who will monitor and who will evaluate? REPORTING Where will it be reported? Goal Outcome Output Activity … Data analysis/data quality

Case study Checklist Close/open-ended (structured/semi-structured) interview Direct observation FGD KII Survey/census Questionnaire Written document review Statistical data review

Budget Allocation Human Resources Political / Administrative will Technical Assistance Evidence: data and information Compliance Managing stakeholders: coordination/cooperation between line agencies Access

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