The Challenge Collaboration Teachers PTO Students Anyone
“Use technology, including the Internet, to produce and publish writing as well as to interact and collaborate with others.”
Part of the Solution
Google Drive is a free service (Up to 5 GB) that lets you store your files including… documents Photos videos Google Docs online Available on mobile devices
Email the link to anyone else whether they have an account or not. Be sure to change who has access
Be sure to change who has access from Can view to Can edit and click Save
Google Drive/ Google Docs Stoneware Dropbox Share Files Yes Not setup Edit at the same time No Access to h: drive away from school No- Maybe a folder Internet based file storage
Chrome New systems have Chrome Installed Run Chrome from the Launchy Menu If web-based programs don’t work, try Chrome - Prezi
Chromebooks Looks and feels like a laptop but it is different - Boots in seconds - Runs Chrome OS Comes with Google Apps installed More to come later…