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What is Dropbox ?– Dropbox is a file storage site which gives you an easy way to save your documents, files, and presentations online and access them from.

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Presentation on theme: "What is Dropbox ?– Dropbox is a file storage site which gives you an easy way to save your documents, files, and presentations online and access them from."— Presentation transcript:

1 What is Dropbox ?– Dropbox is a file storage site which gives you an easy way to save your documents, files, and presentations online and access them from any computer anywhere. What is Dropbox To join, go to, download Dropbox (takes about a minute) and create a Dropbox

2 Downloading Dropbox Go to Click on the Download Dropbox icon – Run – Install Choose whether you already have an account – Next – If you do not have an account, complete the create your Dropbox fields. Be sure to record your password. – If you do have an account, login with your e-mail address and password. – Choose Typical set up – Read through the tour by clicking next, or choose Skip Tour

3 Click When Download begins, Click Run, Run, Install

4 Accessing Dropbox There are different ways to open your Dropbox. You can access it from: The web – Your system tray My Documents

5 By clicking on these icons you can: Upload, Create New, Share, and Delete Your Files and Folders From The Web

6 Click New Folder Icon Creating a New Folder Name your Folder and Press Enter

7 Sharing a Folder You can share existing folders or create a folder to share. Click the Share Folder Icon

8 Choose to share a new or existing folder Click Next

9 Find the folder you would like to share Click Next

10 Invite people by typing their e- mail addresses You may write a message about the folder you are sharing. Click Share folder

11 The invitees will receive an e-mail letting them know that you have shared a folder. They now can access your folder by following the link in the e-mail. They will be able to edit existing documents in the folder and add to the folder.

12 You can keep up with what has been changed in your folder by clicking on Events A log of updates is displayed. Your shared folders will display with this icon

13 Uploading Documents Click the upload icon Then choose your files. Note that you can choose more than one file.



16 System Tray You can quickly navigate your Dropbox folder by clicking on the Dropbox icon in the system tray.

17 My Documents You can also navigate your folders from My Documents A My Dropbox folder will appear in you’re My Documents folder.

18 Creating a folder To create a folder, click Make a new folder. Name your folder. Notice that when a folder is updated it has a green check mark. When docs are loading a blue circle with process arrows will show.

19 Sharing a folder Right click on the folder you would like to share. Click Dropbox and Share this folder. The website will open and you will follow the same steps as with the web.

20 Uploading/Saving to Dropbox From a Document or File Go to Save As My Documents Open the My Dropbox Folder Choose where in the folder you would like to Save your Doc/File Name Your Document Click Save

21 Creating a Link You can create a link to a file or folder in your Dropbox and share with others who do not have a Dropbox account. From your computer or the web, select “Get Link.”

22 You can then e-mail the link by typing in recipients e-mail addresses. You may select Copy link to this page and paste it into a document, webpage, or e-mail to be shared later. You also have the option to post the link directly to your Twitter or Facebook pages. By clicking on your link, they will be directed to a webpage that displays your content without having to open files separately. Great for pictures and presentations

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