LAMAS Working Group June 2015


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Presentation transcript:

LAMAS Working Group 17-18 June 2015 Agenda Item 2.3 Household subsampling in the future LFS

Decisions taken Sub-sampling in general decided Two blocks of structural variables AHM assigned to either one depending on the topic

Decisions to take Variables requested for household sub-sampling Size requirement for household sub-sample Consistency requirements for all kinds of sub-sampling

Current use of HH data JAF Eurostat database Tailor-made extractions Use of micro-data by researchers

Current description of variables to be collected In basic act Defined negatively Not fully in line with needs

Current description of variables to be collected Everything except variables under the headings: search for employment education and training previous work experience of person not in employment situation one year before the survey

New system proposed Focus on needs Defined positively Trying to avoid complicated variables

New system proposed Five groups Technical and household information Demographic information ILO labour status Education Others

Exchange of Views – HH-variables "Individual" countries happy for reduction Some comments on specific variables Few views on extensions – mainly supported by "household" countries

Sample size – 1 Simple solution: Once (theoretically) for each individual in the sample Previous proposal on absolute size was not supported in December 2014 Full overlap with AHM when required by regulation

Sample size – 2 Comments in exchange of views: General support Sweden proposes to keep an absolute measure Combine criteria?

Current weights COEFFQ -> standard quarterly weights COEFFY -> weights for annual results when not equal to annual average (will be split in two in the future system) COEFFH -> special weights for household sample COEFFAHM -> weights if AHM not equal to COEFFQ or COEFFY

COEFFH What is this weight used for? -> all tables under the "household" heading, also on persons/adults Why not use other weights with just info on household members? -> such a weight does not exist! *

Standard data "Household" countries: "Individual" countries: -> data for all household members "Individual" countries: -> data for one person in the household – limited information for household members of a sub- sample

COEFFQ gives full population

COEFFQ gives full population COEFFY for yearly subsample

COEFFQ gives full population Household sub-sample Reference persons Other household members Quarterly sample

The household dilemma! Why not use the household background information (labour market attachment etc.) to cross with the standard full list of variables?

Add up to number of households Household sub-sample Reference-persons Other household members Quarterly sample

We miss the weights! With the current weights it is not possible to make the reference persons of household data add up to the population -> (COEFFH) when HHLINK=1 gives the number of households in the country

Options for a solution Adding variables to all household members -> too costly? Adding another weight -> too complicated? Adding background variables to all reference persons -> how to get ILO-status of household members?

General requirements for HH-weights Weighted number of records should equal the total population (i.e. 0+). Weighted number of records defined as adults should equal a similar figure in the population. Weighted number of reference persons (HHLINK=1) should equal the number of households in the country. No requirement that weights should be equal for all persons in a household, but strongly encouraged for analytical reasons

Consistency requirements for sub-sampling in general Extend current requirements for wave-approach to household sub-sampling while splitting oldest age group (55+ split into 55-64 and 65+): ILO-status x sex x age groups In total 36 constraints AHM constraints to be defined per module

Exchange of views – weighting General support for requirements and constraints Follow-up: Eurostat household tables must give result on number of households in a given country Results with HH info require info from all HH members Constraints can still be reviewed for feasibility

LAMAS is asked to agree on the new list of variables required from all household members in case of household sub-sampling indicate a position on extensions 1 and 2 regarding the variables in group 5 agree on the requirement in terms of size of the household sub-sample agree on the proposed requirements on consistency across sub-samples, as well as the recommendations for household weights