Ramsey/Washington County School Recycling Advisory Group


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Presentation transcript:

Ramsey/Washington County School Recycling Advisory Group September 20, 2018

Welcome & Introductions Joel Andersen, Ramsey County Dan Schoepke, Washington County Jodi Taitt, EcoConsilium

Agenda  Background & History  Vision for the Future  Project Overview Who, What, How & When  Background & History Why  Vision for the Future School Recycling Continuum  Tell Your School Recycling Story Opportunities, Challenges, Barriers Overcome  Prep for Meeting #2

Project Overview  Partnership Schools, Counties, Consultant  School Recycling Best Practices Continuum Ongoing journey toward sustainability  School Recycling Advisory Group Help develop the Continuum & identify resources needed  Timeline Three Advisory Group meetings (Sept, Oct, Nov) Counties adopt final funding policy (Dec) Launch new program (Jan 2019)

School Recycling Advisory Group Roles & Responsibilities  Provide input on current school programs Waste reduction/reuse, recycling & organics  Describe the challenges you face To maintain or expand programs  Provide input on the resources you need To have successful & sustainable programs  Review & comment Draft school recycling best practices continuum

State Recycling Goal – 75% by 2030 Background & History State Recycling Goal – 75% by 2030 Policies Hierarchy should guide decisions Public entities as leaders Generator responsibility Environmental benefits

County Solid Waste Management Master Plans K-12 School Strategies  Grants & technical assistance To implement best practices Food waste prevention & donation (new) Recycling & organics diversion Reuse programs (new)  Ongoing partnerships with schools Refine & implement best practices Measure results  Financial Incentives Link implementation of best practices to grants & technical assistance

Current County Funding & Assistance  Technical assistance & consultation  Collection containers & equipment Trash, recycling & organics  Labels & posters

Reusable Trays, Silverware & Equipment

Cafeteria Sort Tables

Farm Barrel Storage Sheds

RFPs & New Hauler Contracts Public Schools

Vision for the Future School Recycling Best Practices Continuum Supported by County Funding & Consultation

Tell Us Your School Story  Overview of current program Waste reduction, recycling, organics Reusable trays & silverware End-of-year clean outs Surplus equipment donations Recycling or sustainability policy  Challenges  Barriers overcome

Meeting #2 October 10, 2018 at 11:30am Ramsey County Environmental Health Offices 2785 White Bear Avenue, Maplewood First Floor Conference Room