Computer- Construction Computer- Construction. Computer: Computer is a device which is the most important object in live in our century. We use computer.


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Presentation transcript:

Computer- Construction Computer- Construction

Computer: Computer is a device which is the most important object in live in our century. We use computer for comunicate with other people or to search something on the Internet. This object is needful in work in office or in hospital for example.

The most important accessories:

To use computer we need a screen

Next important thing is mouse

To operate computer we need keyboard too

To listen to music or different sounds we need speakers

Additional accessories

To save different documents we can use a memory stick.

To talk with friends on the internet we have to use a microphone

If you want to see your friend which is far away you can use a webcam

To print documents we have to use a printer

To listen to music quietly we can use headphones

New technology Today we can buy a small and light comuter which have all accessories in. Its called a laptop.

Piotr Skałka 2b