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Presentation transcript:


HARDROC2 MODIFICATIONS Minor bugs correction: mask, memory pointer: dummy frame Power pulsing: Bandgap + ref Volages to be power pulsed Dynamic range extension Gain correction: 8 bits instead of 6 3 shapers and 3 thresholds: 10 fC, 100fC, 1pC (megas) 100fC, 1pC, 10pC (GRPC) Bandgap redesigned DAC : 3 DACs The 3rd one different from the 2 others Discri of the 3rd shaper: slightly different. HARDROC2= HARDROC1 + modifs => HARDROC1= BACKUP 6-Dec-18 NSM, LAL/Omega


HARDROC2: analog part Slow Channel PA Discri 0 FSB0 Discri 1 Gain FSB1 ½,1/4,1/8,1/16 PA Discri 0 FSB0 Discri 1 Gain FSB1 ½,1/4,1/8,1/16 Discri 2 Gain FSB2 1/8,1/16,1/32,1/64 6-Dec-18 NSM, LAL/Omega

HARDROC2: Digital part (F.Dulucq) Probe and Slow Control shift registers - Multiplex these 2 registers (in, out, clock, reset)  save PADS (8  5) - Select line added : default register is probe to prevent glitch on SC - Extra PADS can be added for direct access to registers 6-Dec-18 NSM, LAL/Omega

HR2 Digital part: Default SC configuration (2) Use Set / Reset of Flip-Flops for default configuration Example default configuration : “011” Can also be done with Q and Q* of Flip-Flops (already done for some bits 6-Dec-18 NSM, LAL/Omega

HR2 digital part: SC daisy chain (3) Improve daisy chain between ASICs : Add opposite edge FF at the end of shift registers Allow to meet timing requirement between last FF of chip “N” and first FF of chip “N+1” Inside chip  use clock reversing to prevent timing problem 6-Dec-18 NSM, LAL/Omega

HR2 digital part: Readout (4) During readout, remove “bad frame” (address pointer error when chip is not full) First irrelevant frame Capacity of 127 trigger instead of 128  change digital limitations (should be minor change in VHDL) 6-Dec-18 NSM, LAL/Omega

HR2 digital part: StartAcquisition (5) Change for SPIROC like  “StartAcquisition” active on level. RamFull  ChipSat (OK for SPIROC and HARDROC) Allow to remove “RamFullExt” signal and to let DAQ stop acquisition “StartAcquisition” should be now named “CtrlAcquisition” 6-Dec-18 NSM, LAL/Omega

HR2 digital part: StartReadOut and EndReadOut (6) Add bypass for these 2 signals (SRO, ERO  SRO-B, ERO-B). In red, StartReadOut and EndReadOut flow if chip “N” fails Chip N can bypass itself by SC Chip “N-1” and chip “N+1” can bypass chip “N” by SC If Chip N fails : Chip N-1 sends EndReadOut signal on EndReadOutBypass Chip N+1 reads StartReadOut signal on StartReadOutBypass 6-Dec-18 NSM, LAL/Omega

HR2 digital part: Slow Control (7) Add bypass jumpers on PCB In red, SC flow if chip “N” fails Default position is chip “N” reads chip “N-1” If Chip N fails : Switch N removed Switch N+1  in position to read chip “N-1” 6-Dec-18 NSM, LAL/Omega

Data and TransmitOn: Redundancy Each one is removable from bus line by SC 2 bus lines, OC drivers to drive 50 Ohms Allow to remove one buffer that stick the bus line 6-Dec-18 NSM, LAL/Omega

PACKAGING in CQFP240: Yield problem HARDROC1: 30 dies for µmegas PCB and 130 dies for 1m2 prototype I2A company in California: Price: ~3500$ for 100 or 1000 dies packaged in Plastic QFP240 ~ 25€ / die (Q=100) Pb of yield when packaging in QFP240: 40% 100 €/die Administrative procedure quite complicated…. SYSTREL (Nantes): Last offer (March 08) for bonding in Ceramic QFP240: Package price Small Q: 65 euros ht Q= 100 dies: 47 euros ht /package, Q= 250 dies: 38 euros ht /package Bonding: 82 euros ht/ die Between 120 and 150 euros/ die depending on the quantity Delay: 4 to 8 weeks HARDROC2: will be packaged in PQFP176 6-Dec-18 NSM, LAL/Omega

PACKAGE TQPP176 1.4 mm 6-Dec-18 NSM, LAL/Omega

ANNEX 6-Dec-18 NSM, LAL/Omega

Control signals and power supplies HARDROC1 layout Hadronic Rpc Detector Read Out Chip (AMS SiGe 0.35µm, Sept 06) 64 inputs, preamp + shaper+ 2 discris + memory + Full power pulsing Compatible with 1st and 2nd generation DAQ : only 1 digital data output Discris 4 mmx4 mm Digital memory 64 Analog Channels Dual DAC Bandgap Control signals and power supplies 6-Dec-18 NSM, LAL/Omega

HARDROC1: ANALOG. PART GAIN CORRECTION: RPC: 100 fC to 10pC µMEGAS= 10fC up to 1pC 6-Dec-18 NSM, LAL/Omega

HARDROC1: Digital part 6-Dec-18 NSM, LAL/Omega

Multi Project Run vs Dedicated Run HARDROC2: will be submitted in june 08 (MPW run) MPW: 1k€/mm2 => Hardroc= 25 k€ 25 dies delivered in September 08, to be packaged About 300 dies available (no garanty): 100 euros/die + packaging Price : 25 k€ + 100 € * nb_chips Engineering run: Wafer 8’’ Available area=23 000 mm2 1 reticle=20x20 mm2=400 mm2 => 65 reticles/wafer 16 chips (25 mm2) / reticle => 1000 Hardroc/wafer Cost : 150 k€ (masks) + 5k€/wafer - Price : 150 k€ + 5 € * nb_chips valuable for more than 1250 chips 6-Dec-18 NSM, LAL/Omega

Open collector signals after 1m long line Rcollector=50Ω Rcollector=500Ω 6-Dec-18 NSM, LAL/Omega

HV sparks (ESD) GRPC: HV=8 kV, PADs= a few pF High spread resistor= isolates FE inputs Micromegas: HV=400V, Pads= a few pF Small spread resistor= NO ISOLATION of the FE inputs 1m2 => 100 Asic*64*a few pF~ 1nF 6-Dec-18 NSM, LAL/Omega

AC coupling necessary for detector > 10 cm2: HV sparks (ESD) ASIC inputs: protection PADs (AMS library): robustness up to 2kV HBM (100pF) AC coupling necessary for detector > 10 cm2: Tests to be performed on HARDROC to determine the decoupling capacitance necessary to protect the FE against ESD Maximum decoupling capacitor that can be integrated: ≈30pF (50µm x 600 µm ) and lost of signal => EXTERNAL CAP=500 pF/ch to ensure protection Other drawbacks of a decoupling cap: Xtalk, space 6-Dec-18 NSM, LAL/Omega