Ethnicities Key Issue: What is Ethnic Cleansing?


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Presentation transcript:

Ethnicities Key Issue: What is Ethnic Cleansing? Chapter 7-4 Ethnicities Key Issue: What is Ethnic Cleansing?

I. WWII A) Leading up to WWII B) Genocide C) Post WWII

D) Cold War

Intro Video (5 minutes)

II. 1990’s A) New Conflicts between ….. B) Ethnic Cleansing – process in which a more powerful ethnic group forcibly removes a less powerful one in order to create an ethnically homogeneous region. C) Plain Language:

III. Ethnic Cleansing in Yugoslavia A) Balkan Peninsula Includes the countries of Albania, Bulgaria, Greece, Romania and what was Yugoslavia. (whole area – about the size of Texas)

B) WWI Former Yugoslavia

C) Way more… (centripetal or centrifugal) Nationalistic Motto: “Yugloslavia has 7 neighbors, 6 republics, 5 nationalities, 4 languages, 3 religions, 2 alphabets and 1 dinar!”

Refers to: Economic interests & dictator united Yugoslavia 7 neighbors: Austria, Greece, Italy, Albania, Bulgaria, Hungary, Romania 6 republics: country divided into these regions that had a log of local autonomy 5 nationalities: former pre-WWI nationalities 4 languages: Croatian, Macedonian, Serbian, Slovenian 3 major religions: Roman Catholic (North), Eastern Orthodox (East) and Islam (South) 2 alphabets – Croatian & Slovenian are in Roman Alphabet. Macedonian & Serbian are in Cyrillic Alphabet 1 dinar – National unit of currency (money) Economic interests & dictator united Yugoslavia

D) Destruction of Yugoslavia as a country 1) Tito’s Death (late 1980’s) – Economy fell apart 2) Source of Conflict 3) Bosnia Very Multiethnic Serbs wanted to unite with Serbia Croats wanted to unite with Croatia Ethnic Muslims (40%) caught in the middle

Map of Bosnia

Vocab – Chapter 1! What “technique” was used to get this picture??

E) NATO (stands for… )

and the UN (stands for…)

F) End of Yugoslavia(2008)

G) Balkanization Definition: the process by which a state breaks down through conflicts among its ethnicities

JUST READ: The End! I. Pg 232– Ethnic Cleansing in Central Africa II. Pg 235– Study the map of Africa. Looking at this map, answer this question: “Why does there continue to be so much ethnic conflict in Africa?” The End!