The Renaissance and Reformation


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Presentation transcript:

The Renaissance and Reformation Section 3: Then Protestant Reformation Witness History Audio: A Monk Rebels Background to the Reformation During a time of widespread poverty and violence, popes were living lavishly. One of the schemes used to support the activities of the church was the sale of indulgences for sins. Christian humanists in northern Europe protested such practices. Notes: Listen to the Witness History audio. Then read aloud the main idea for each subheading in this section and show the related visuals. After listening to the Witness History audio, ask, “What kind of language does Luther use to make his points?” (He uses dramatic language, talking of “Casting the die for all eternity.”) ”What was Luther’s purpose in using such language?” (He is making it clear that reconciliation with the Catholic Church is impossible.) Note Taking Transparency 103 1 of 5

The Renaissance and Reformation Section 3: Then Protestant Reformation Martin Luther: Catalyst of Change Martin Luther, a German monk, led a revolt against the Catholic Church. He drew up 95 theses against indulgences. Copies began appearing throughout Europe. Luther also translated the bible into German so ordinary people could study it. Notes: Listen to the Witness History audio. Then read aloud the main idea for each subheading in this section and show the related visuals. After listening to the Witness History audio, ask, “What kind of language does Luther use to make his points?” (He uses dramatic language, talking of “Casting the die for all eternity.”) ”What was Luther’s purpose in using such language?” (He is making it clear that reconciliation with the Catholic Church is impossible.) 2 of 5

The Renaissance and Reformation Section 3: Then Protestant Reformation The Reformation in Switzerland Two reformers also were active in Switzerland—Ulrich Zwingli and John Calvin. Calvin wrote a book that described his religious beliefs and that advised people how to start a Protestant church. Calvin divided the world into saints and sinners and believed that God had already determined who would gain salvation. Notes: Listen to the Witness History audio. Then read aloud the main idea for each subheading in this section and show the related visuals. After listening to the Witness History audio, ask, “What kind of language does Luther use to make his points?” (He uses dramatic language, talking of “Casting the die for all eternity.”) ”What was Luther’s purpose in using such language?” (He is making it clear that reconciliation with the Catholic Church is impossible.) QuickTake Section Quiz Progress Monitoring Transparency 3 of 5

The Renaissance and Reformation: Section 3 Note Taking Transparency 103 4 of 5

The Renaissance and Reformation: Section 3 Progress Monitoring Transparency 5 of 5