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3. The Protestant Reformation World History Class Bilingual Project by: Hortencia Tijerina Treviño.

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1 3. The Protestant Reformation World History Class Bilingual Project by: Hortencia Tijerina Treviño

2 Introduction Main ideas:  The mayor goal of humanism in Northern Europe was to reform Christendom.  Martin Luther’s religious reforms led to the emerge of Protestantism.

3 Notes The Protestant Reformation is the name given to the religious reform movement that divided The western Church into Catholic and Protestant groups.

4 Notes

5 Christian Faiths Catholicism Was created by the apostle Peter after Christ's death The Pope is the Vicar of Christ (Substitute of Christ) Protestantism No human is comparable to Christ and that Christ is still the head authority over the church. Was started by Martin Luther, a German monk.

6 Notes Desiderius Erasmus was a Christian Humanist. He called his view of religion “The philosophy of Christ”. He said Christianity should show people how to live good lives. He criticized the abuses of the Catholic Church. The Popes were more interested in Italian politics than spiritual situations.

7 Notes Ordinary people desired information to obtain salvation. This process became almost mechanical. relic indulgence

8 Notes Martin Luther was a monk and professor at the University of Wittenberg, in Germany, where he lectured on the Bible. He believed that people obtained salvation through their faith in God NOT by buying indulgences.

9 Notes Luther sent a list of 95 Thesis to his superiors. The theses were an intelligent attack on abuses in the sale of indulgences. Thousands of copies were distributed in Germany.

10 Notes The Roman Emperor Charles V wanted to convince Luther to change his ideas, but Luther refused. Luther was declared enemy of the state. The Edict, issued on May 25, 1521, in the city of Worms in southwest Germany.

11 Notes Luther’s religious movement became a revolution. Many German rulers accepted and supported Luther’s ideas so they took control of the Catholic churches in their territories. Luther created new religious services.

12 Notes 1555: the Peace of Augsburg. This agreement accepted the division of Christianity in Germany. The states were free to choose between Catholicism and Lutheranism. They were to have the same legal rights.

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