Los mandatos informales y negativos Commands that are informal and negative
Remember how to tell someone to do something? (affirmative commands) know what the infinitive is tú form drop “s” caminar – caminas – camina = walk
Irregular Affirmative Commands Ven Di Sal Haz Ten Ve Pon sé Venir (come) Decir (say) Salir (leave) Hacer (do, make) Tener (have) Ir (go) Poner (put, set, place) Ser (be)
Now to tell people what not to do… (Negative Commands) Infinitive Yo form Drop “o” Add opposite ending AR verbs +es ER/IR verbs +as “No” before command
Ejemplos: Don’t skate. (patinar) Patinar Patino Patin Patines No patines.
Ejemplos: Don’t eat vegetables. (comer) Comer Como Com Comas No comas las verduras.
Ejemplos: Don’t make your bed. (hacer) Hacer Hago Hag Hagas No hagas la cama.
¿Cómo se dice…? Don’t run. Don’t write on the paper. No corras. Don’t write on the paper. No escribas en el papel. Don’t speak English! ¡No hables inglés!
Irregular negative commands No des. No vayas. No seas. No dar (don’t give) No ir (don’t go) No ser (don’t be)
Resumen (summary) With affirmative commands you are telling someone what to do. With negative commands you are telling them what not to do. The command forms you’ve learned/reviewed today are informal. You would use them with peers, friends, close family members, etc.