The Long Ii sound can be made many different ways.


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Presentation transcript:

The Long Ii sound can be made many different ways. try y i mind find high sight igh dry tie lie ie

/ie/ /igh/ stay high light sight lie tie wait group /y/ /i/ only try dry cry wild mind important


Define: If you giggle, you l_ _ _h (in a silly way). giggle(ed) (v) Define: If you giggle, you l_ _ _h (in a silly way). Example: I giggled when I heard a good joke. Ask: What does a giggle sound like? What makes you giggle? Synonyms: laugh Antonyms: sad, angry

Define: Someone who peered l_ _ _ked over or around something. peer(ed) (v) Define: Someone who peered l_ _ _ked over or around something. Example: My dad peered into the baby’s room. Carlos peered through the telescope to study the stars. Ask: When do you peer at something? Synonyms: gaze, stare Antonyms: eyes closed

Define: When you snuggle with someone you h_ _d or cu_ _le them close. snuggle(ed) (v) Define: When you snuggle with someone you h_ _d or cu_ _le them close. Example: I snuggled with my cat. Ask: What other word did we learn that means the same thing as snuggle? Synonyms: cuddle

Example: The bird fluttered its wings. flutter(ed) (v) Define: When an animal flutters, it moves or flaps its _ _ ngs quickly. Example: The bird fluttered its wings. Ask: Have you ever seen a bird flutter in the sky? Synonyms: flap, wave Antonyms: still

Define: When something vanishes, it dis_ _ _ _ _ _s. vanish(ed) (v) Define: When something vanishes, it dis_ _ _ _ _ _s. Example: The airplane vanished into the clouds. Ask: What is an antonym for vanish? Synonyms: disappear Antonyms: appear

Example: I recognized my classmate from kindergarten. recognize(ed) (v) Define: When you recognize someone, you knew them from an _ _ _ lier time. Example: I recognized my classmate from kindergarten. Ask: Tell about a time you recognized someone. Synonyms: recalled, remembered Antonyms: unknown

Match Up to look over recognize laugh vanish fluttered Hold close Know from before fluttered Hold close snuggled disappear giggled peer Move wings quickly

How Animals Grow Grammar

Possessive Nouns The dog bowl is empty. Teacher hair is cool. dog’s A possessive noun shows who or what owns or has something. Add an apostrophe and –s to a singular noun to make it possessive. The dog bowl is empty. dog’s Teacher hair is cool. Teacher’s

Practice Time!

Let’s Practice: Correct the sentence. Joe backpack is full of English books. The duck babies are very cute. Fred best friend is Sam. The rabbit eyes are black. Mr. Wooley cat is named Baxter. Joe’s duck’s Fred’s rabbit’s Mr. Wooley’s

The students classroom is big. Possessive Nouns Add an apostrophe to most plural nouns to make them possessive. The animals barn is red. animals’ The students classroom is big. students’

The children trip was fun. Possessive Nouns You can add an apostrophe an –s to plural nouns that DO NOT have –s at the end. The children trip was fun. children’s

Let’s Practice: Correct the sentence. I found many ________ pencils in the room. student’s students’

Let’s Practice: Correct the sentence. The _______ faces were dirty. dog’s dogs’

Let’s Practice: Correct the sentence. Five _______ toys are in the car. children’s childrens’

Let’s Practice: Correct the sentence. _______ cup is full of coffee. Teachers’ Teacher’s

Let’s Practice: Correct the sentence. The _______ houses are smelly . animal’s animals’

Plural Possessive Nouns Add an apostrophe and –s to a singular noun to make it possessive. dog dog’s Add an apostrophe to most plural nouns to make them possessive. animals animals’

Possesive Nouns children mice children’s mice’s You can add an apostrophe an –s to plural nouns that DO NOT have –s at the end. children children’s mice mice’s

dog ’s animals ’

A contraction is a short way to write two words. Contractions A contraction is a short way to write two words. she she’s is do don’t not we we’re are they they’re are