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Possessive nouns He’s so possessive.

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Presentation on theme: "Possessive nouns He’s so possessive."— Presentation transcript:

1 Possessive nouns He’s so possessive

2 Possessive: show that a noun OWNs something
Jimmy’s dog=The dog that belongs to Jimmy The school’s desks=The desks that belong to the school We show possession with an apostrophe s ‘ = apostrophe

3 Jimmy’s dog The school’s desk The orange’s color How do you know that it’s showing possession? Try moving it around with the phrase OF or OWNED BY and see if it makes sense The dog of Jimmy The dog owned by Jimmy The desk of the school The desk owned by the school The color of the orange The color owned by the orange

4 Rules for using apostrophe s
One thing owns another thing/things Singular nouns= always add ‘s to the end Mrs. Hawkins’s students The sky’s clouds Curtis’s pajamas

5 Rules for using apostrophe s
2. Plural nouns More than one thing owns another thing/things TOGETHER a. If the plural noun already ends in s, only add ‘ b. If the plural noun DOESN’T end in s, add ‘s The Hawkins’ cat The teachers’ pet The children’s toy The mice’s house

6 Possessive nouns: find the error

7 The dogs would often run on other peoples lawns.

8 When that happens, Jenna takes away the four dogs.

9 Jennas favorite dogs were chubby.

10 Mrs. Morris best students have As in the class.

11 The dog’s leashes usually became tangled

12 Our planets trip around the sun takes 365 days.

13 The three dogs collars were too tight.

14 He sings in the choir.

15 The lions usual source of water has dried up.

16 The witchs’s brooms were hidden in the corner.

17 She plans on opening a women clothing boutique

18 The goose food supply was endangered.

19 The gases odors mixed and became nauseating.

20 Please open your books to page 160 so that we can begin.

21 When you don’t know something, you should ask question’s.

22 My book’s arrived today from Taipei.

23 My grandmothers first birthday was in 1938.

24 These scissors handles are black.

25 My can of pencils sits on my desk like a champion.

26 Getting a Christmas card is a nice surprise.

27 My calendars pictures are of puppies and kittens.

28 The builders checked the bridge construction many times.

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