Hickman Mills C-1 Parent University: AYP, APR, Accreditation….what does it all mean? Presented by: Casey Klapmeyer.


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Presentation transcript:

Hickman Mills C-1 Parent University: AYP, APR, Accreditation….what does it all mean? Presented by: Casey Klapmeyer

AYP (Adequate Yearly Progress) This measurement is part of the No Child Left Behind Act. Benchmarks are set so districts are on track to meet 100% of students proficient by the year This measurement looks at sub-groups within a school building. A building can make progress forward overall, but if one of the subgroups does not make the AYP target the building is considered as not making AYP.

AYP vs. APR AYP, adequate yearly progress, is a federal tool of measurement. It is not used as a marker for accreditation. APR: – Annual Progress Report: This is a STATE report that looks at specific criteria that Missouri has set forth in measuring the success, and accreditation status, of school districts in Missouri.

Annual Performance Report Think of this as a report card for a district that has 15 subject areas that a district gets graded on. The grading system the state uses is MET or NOT MET. There is no in-between when it comes to the scoring. To be considered FULLY ACCREDITED a district must obtain a MET in at least 9 of the 15 items.

What are the 15 items that Missouri grades school districts on? Grades 3,4,5 Mathematics Grades 3,4,5 Communication Arts Grades 6,7,8 Mathematics Grades 6,7,8 Communication Arts End of Course Algebra I End of Course English II

What are the 15 items that Missouri grades school districts on? ACT Scores Advanced Courses Career Education Courses College Placement Career Education Placement Graduation Rate Attendance Rate Sub-Group Achievement

Optional points that districts are able to obtain: Bonus Map Achievement Point- districts are able to garner this point by showing growth in the MAP tested areas. Subject area/ Voluntary End of Course Point- districts are able to garner this point by looking at achievement on the 5 th or 8 th science test, or voluntary End of Course exams that are administered to students.

Hickman Mills obtained 9 of the 14 points based on our information from last school year. MET – 3-5 Mathematics – End of Course Algebra I – Advanced Courses – Career Education Courses – College Placement – Career Education Placement – Graduation Rate – Attendance Rate – Bonus MAP Achievement NOT MET – 3-5 Communication Arts – 6-8 Mathematics – 6-8 Communication Arts – End of Course English II – ACT – Subgroup Achievement – Suject Area/Voluntary End of Course Exam

How are we getting to 12 in 2012? Targeting and adding – 3-5 Communication Arts – Voluntary End of Course Tests – End of Course Test- English II Also working to add: -6-8 Communication Arts -6-8 Mathematics

12 APR Points by 2012 Hickmans goal is do obtain 12 APR points our state report card is issued next fall. We need your help in obtaining those next three points!

What can you do as a parent? Read, read, read! – Make sure that your child is taking time each night to read at home. – Read to your child each night. – Let your child see you reading. – Ask questions about what they are reading- Who are the main characters? What is happening in the book so far? Has there been a problem in the story. Encourage your kids to read non-fiction books about things they are interested in!

What are some other ways you can work as a parent to help Hickman gain 12 APR points? Visit the schools and talk with your childs teacher. Use the parent portal to check on assignments, grades and attendance. (Call your school if you need log in information or the districts main line and we will help you get that information.) Get books in the home- if you need books let us know and we will help you.

How will the Kansas City, MO School District becoming unaccredited impact my child? The district doesnt lose accreditation until January 1, so nothing will take place until then. There are many possibilities in play at this time: court cases pending, legislative action that may take place, decisions to be made by the Department of Education and the State Board of Education.

What is Hickman Mills doing to be ready? Our Board of Directors will work to establish a policy. Board policy is that a student attending outside of the district must pay an out-of-district tuition rate. We have received one phone call about a student from Kansas City attending Hickman and that student was placed on a waiting list until direction from our Board of Directors and the Missouri Department of Education become more clear.

Thank you for coming out tonight!

Dinner will be served in the small gym- head to your left when you go out the doors.