LEARNING AIM To explain the problems Elizabeth had.


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Presentation transcript:

LEARNING AIM To explain the problems Elizabeth had. To describe her characteristics and strengths.

LEARNING ACHIEVEMENTS LAUNCHING You will know the problems Elizabeth faced when she became Queen. GRADES 1-3 You will explain the problems Elizabeth faced. DEVELOPING GRADES 4-5 SECURING You will also describe a number of her strengths. GRADES 6-7 You will be able to do the above using specific historical details such as names, events and dates. MASTERING GRADES 8-9

RECAP Elizabeth I became Queen of England in November ............. She died in the year ……………. Elizabeth was ………… years old when she became Queen. Her father was ………………………………………………. Her mother was …………………………………………….. She was part of the ………………. family. Her sister ………………….. had famously put Elizabeth in prison as she believed Elizabeth was plotting against her. Elizabeth was known for following the …………… religion.

RECAP ANSWERS Elizabeth I became Queen of England in November 1558 MARK YOUR OWN WORK. Elizabeth I became Queen of England in November 1558 She died in the year 1603 Elizabeth was 25 years old when she became Queen. Her father was Henry VIII Her mother was Anne Boleyn She was part of the Tudor family. Her sister Mary I had famously put Elizabeth in prison as she believed Elizabeth was plotting against her. Elizabeth was known for following the protestant religion.

STARTER GRADES 1-3 From your prior knowledge, list 5 problems you think Elizabeth would have when she became Queen of England in 1558. Order them from the problem you think would be the most significant to the problem you think would be the least significant.


TASK Elizabeth’s Problems GRADES 4-5 Gender Legitimacy For each problem, describe the problem and explain WHY it was a problem for Elizabeth. Marriage Elizabeth’s Problems Lost War Mary I’s actions Money/Finance EXTENSION: Which problem would Elizabeth find the most difficult to deal with?

What were Elizabeth’s problems? CHECK YOUR KNOWLEDGE What were Elizabeth’s problems? L G M L W M A F/M Now pick someone else in the room to expand on these problems! Put them on the spot!

TASK GRADES 6-7 Write the heading: Elizabeth’s Strengths Draw a simple spider diagram to show at least 5 skills/strengths that Elizabeth had. For each one, draw a simple image to help you remember the skill. EXTENSION: Which skill would have been the most useful for a monarch to have? Explain.

LEARNING AIM To understand what challenges Elizabeth faced at home (domestic) and from abroad (foreign).

LEARNING ACHIEVEMENTS You will be able to list the problems Elizabeth faced. LAUNCHING GRADES 1-3 You will be able to describe these problems using key terms and historical details. DEVELOPING GRADES 4-5 You will understand where foreign threats came from and why. SECURING GRADES 6-7 You will be able to evaluate which country threatened Elizabeth the most. MASTERING GRADES 8-9

RECAP STARTER ‘This was a strength because….’ Highly intelligent and well educated. Very religious Had a bad temper Fluent in Latin, Greek, French and Italian. Indecisive An excellent understanding of politics An eye for detail Understood that courtiers plotted to gain power and influence Could make her views strongly felt Confident Had been a prisoner in the Tower of London Charismatic Dictatorial Able to make great speeches. Are these strengths or weaknesses of Elizabeth. Discuss in pairs WHY this is the case. ‘This was a strength because….’ ‘This was a weakness because……’


MONEY BACKGROUND Elizabeth did not have a lot of money. England had fought expensive wars. Land had been sold to gain money. Elizabeth was £300,000 in debt. Her total income would only be just over £280,000 per year!

BACKGROUND The French port of Calais was important for trade and as a military base.

Map to be given out to students on A4

TASK: EASY TASK: GRADES 6-7 Read the fact sheet which states various threats Elizabeth faced. Write the number of the fact on the correct country on your map. GRADES 6-7 CHALLENGE: Divide your page into the countries mentioned. Summarise each problem under the correct heading.

TASK: CHALLENGE: Divide your page into the countries mentioned. Summarise each problem under the correct heading. TASK: GRADES 6-7 SCOTLAND ENGLAND THE NETHERLANDS SPAIN FRANCE

2. France had a long history as being an enemy of England. 1. This French port of Calais had been held by the English since 1534. It gave England military power and influence but France wanted it back. 2. France had a long history as being an enemy of England. 3. England was a Protestant country under Elizabeth. All other European countries were Catholic. 4. France and Spain were no longer at war, although they were still great rivals. 5. In 1558, Mary’s mother, Mary of Guise, was ruling Scotland and had French troops on the English border. 6. Mary, Queen of Scots, was half French and married Francis, heir to the French throne. 7. England’s border with Scotland was remote and hard to defend, which meant there was always fighting there. 8. Scotland was an independent country and was often in competition with England. 9. In 1559, Calais was given back to the French. 10. King Philip of Spain was a constant threat to Elizabeth’s protestant power. 11. Mary became Queen of France in 1559 when her husband became King Francis II. 12. France was wealthier and had a bigger population than England. 13. Mary, Queen of Scots, had a strong claim to the English throne. 14. Scotland and France had a long standing friendship called the Auld Alliance. 15. Spain was a powerful Roman Catholic country. 16. When Mary I was married to Philip II, England had sided with Spain against France in a war which ended in 1559. 17. Many Catholics in England might support Mary, Queen of Scots’ claim to the English throne as they did not like Elizabeth being protestant. 18. The Scottish monarch, Mary, Queen of Scots, was cousin to Elizabeth and wanted more power in England. Print out for students to find out where the main threats came from, what they were and which country gave England the biggest threat.

EXTENSION TASK: Describe what links France, Scotland and Spain. Explain 3 reasons why these countries were a threat to Elizabeth. What could this tension lead to? Explain why Mary, Queen of Scots was a threat to Elizabeth. 5. How would these threats from abroad cause financial worries for Elizabeth? 6. Which threat would be the most significant to Elizabeth? Explain. EXTENSION TASK: GRADES 8-9

CHECK YOUR KNOWLEDGE QUIZ In which year did Elizabeth I become the Queen of England? Name one group at the top of Elizabethan society. What was the role of the Parliament? What was the role of Lords Lieutenant? List 2 strengths of Elizabeth I. Explain Elizabeth’s problem of Legitimacy. Name one challenge Elizabeth faced at home. Name one challenge Elizabeth faced from abroad. Name the two countries Elizabeth’s England were threatened by when she came to power. What was the friendship between these two countries called?

CHECK YOUR KNOWLEDGE In which year did Elizabeth I become the Queen of England? Name one group at the top of Elizabethan society. What was England like when Elizabeth came to power? What was the role of Lords Lieutenant in Elizabethan England? List 2 strengths of Elizabeth I. Explain Elizabeth’s problem of Legitimacy. Name one challenge Elizabeth faced at home. Describe 2 challenges Elizabeth faced from abroad. Name the three countries Elizabeth’s England were threatened by when she came to power. What was the friendship between Scotland and France called? 11. Why was Mary, Queen of Scots a challenge to Elizabeth? DEADLINE FRIDAY 23RD

Practice Exam Question Describe two threats faced by Elizabeth from abroad. (4 marks) POINT: One threat was from…… EVIDENCE: For example…. POINTS: Another threat came from….. EVIDENCE: For instance……..