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Mary Queen of Scots Syllabus

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1 Mary Queen of Scots Syllabus
Foreign affairs: issues of succession; Mary Queen of Scots: relations with Spain

2 On your whiteboard Write down one thing about Mary Queen of Scots that is pointless i.e. no one else will think of it

3 Overview of Mary
Questions to answer In what crimes was she implicated? When and why does she come to England? What has this to do with foreign policy and succession?

4 The Triumph of Elizabeth Elizabethan Government: court, ministers and parliament; factional rivalries How effectively did the Tudors restore and develop the powers of monarchy? In what ways and how effectively was England governed during this period? How did relations with foreign powers change and how was the succession secured? How far did intellectual and religious ideas change and develop and with what effects? How important was the role of key individuals and groups and how were they affected by developments?

5 Learning objectives Know the links between Mary Queen of Scots, religion and Elizabeth’s Foreign Policy Be able to explain why Mary Queen of Scots was a threat to Elizabeth.

6 Key words English privateer/Dutch sea beggar

7 Elizabeth’s foreign policy
Influences on Elizabeth’s Foreign Policy Elizabeth’s foreign policy

8 Elizabeth’s foreign policy
Influences on Elizabeth’s Foreign Policy Events in the Netherlands Fear of Catholic uprising Elizabeth’s foreign policy Fear of Catholic invasion Role of privateers Task Find bold cards – same headings as diagram Place the other cards next to the correct heading How are any connected to Mary? Events/relations with France

9 Mary arrives in England
d2 Brief intro to Marys arrival in England and the problems it posed Why did Mary pose Elizabeth a problem? How did Elizabeth deal with Mary?

10 Mary 1568-87 Watch this video and answer the questions
According to Starkey why was Mary a threat? Why did this threat grow in the 1580s? Explain Elizabeth’s reaction to the execution. What does Starkey say are the consequences Optional homework

11 Summary check Why was Mary a threat while in prison in England? What had changed by 1587? How would you judge Elizabeth’s actions (or inactions) in dealing with Mary?

12 Key points Mary was a focus of potential rebellion
Seen as Queen in Waiting Because of her Catholicism she was always likely to be supported by Phillip II and the Pope However By 1587 events had moved on – England at war with Spain, the Armada was planned

13 The threat Mary Queen of Scots posed was greatly exaggerated
The threat Mary Queen of Scots posed was greatly exaggerated? Assess the validity of this view

14 7yh brief outline of Babington and death Walsingham, spy hero

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