ISE 313 Computer Integrated Manufacturing and Automation


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Presentation transcript:

ISE 313 Computer Integrated Manufacturing and Automation Dr. Arslan M. ÖRNEK Industrial Systems Engineering Izmir University of Economics

Course Syllabus Catalog Description Integration of all aspects of a manufacturing enterprise using computer-integrated manufacturing (CIM) technologies. Design, development and implementation of manufacturing systems using project management techniques and team work. Course Overview This course emphasizes the integration of manufacturing enterprise using computer-integrated manufacturing (CIM) technologies. It employs CAD/CAM interface and other CIM sub-systems, database management, facility layout, product documentation, process planning, production planning and control, Group technology, teamwork, and manufacturing operations and management to bring about a students-designed CIM-oriented enterprise.

Course Objectives In this course, the student will: Develop an understanding of classical and state-of-the-art production systems, control systems, management technology, cost systems, and evaluation techniques. Develop an understanding of computer-integrated manufacturing (CIM) and its impact on productivity, product cost, and quality. Obtain an overview of computer technologies including computers, database and data collection, networks, machine control, etc, as they apply to factory management and factory floor operations. Describe the integration of manufacturing activities into a complete system Acquire sensitivity to human-factors related issues as they affect decision making in the factory environment.

Required Texts: Goldratt, Eliyahu M. (1992) The Goal. North River Press. Groover, Mikell P. (2007). Automation, Production Systems, and C.I.M. Prentice-Hall: Englewood Cliffs, N.J., 3/e, 2007

Reading Assignments All reading assignments must be completed according to the course schedule, and you must be prepared for discussion of weekly reading topics in class. In addition, you will undertake outside readings of articles and texts relevant to topics being discussed and studied in class (see Reading Critiques, below). Participation in class and team discussions is part of your grade and this will not work well if you have not kept up with the readings.

Examinations There will be one midterm and one final examination, which will cover reading assignments, lectures, classroom discussions. The midterm examination will be announced at least one week in advance, and will occur as close as possible to the date scheduled in the course outline.

Research Paper A Research Paper is required with students working individually or in groups of 3-5. Students may propose any manufacturing-related topic related to this class, but the topic must receive approval. Each Project Group is required to give a 20-min. presentation at the end of semester covering all aspects of their project. The date and format will be discussed in the class.

Topic Outline Week Chapter Subject 1 Introduction and course organization 1 Introduction to CIM Technology 2 2 Manufacturing Operations Project brainstorming and group formation 3 3 Manufacturing Models and Metrics Proposal due 4 4 Introduction to Automation Research Paper Outline 5 10 Material Transport Systems 6 11 Storage Systems 7 12 Automatic Identification and Data Capture Book report on Goldratt, The Goal due 8 Midterm exam 9 13 Introduction to Manufacturing Systems 10 14 Single-Station Manufacturing Cells 11 15 Manual Assembly Lines 12 15 Manual Assembly Lines 13 Research Paper due 14 Research Paper due

Grading Midterm 25% Homeworks 20% Project 20% Final 35%