Put Together the Mind-Body Connection


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Presentation transcript:

Put Together the Mind-Body Connection Unit 1 Lesson 4 Put Together the Mind-Body Connection

Puzzle Pieces Think of your health as a large puzzle made of many pieces. Some puzzle pieces: keep the mind sharp. Help you communicate and express emotions. Others keep the body strong. If a piece is missing or does not fit and work together, you do not get total health.

What Skills Do I Need to Communicate with Others?

Communication-exchange of information with others. Ways to communicate are: Writing Using signals Talking Two parts of communication: Giving out information Taking in information

Communication involves expressing yourself clearly to others and listening. Other people are then able to understand what you have said. If you listen well, you know exactly what others are saying to you. You can understand their feelings better.

Some people communicate well. They have learned to: Say exactly what they mean. Listen carefully. Practice skills that will help them communicate. People who talk and listen well improve their physical, mental, and emotional health.

How Can I Manage My Emotions?

Emotions-feelings you have inside you. At different times you have different emotions. You might feel: Afraid to give a report in class or answer a question; Angry if a friend gossips about you; Proud when you receive a good grade on your health test; Sad when your pet is sick. For good mental health, it is important to know when and how to express your emotions.

Four questions to help manage your emotions: What is it that I am feeling? Why do I feel this way? What are some ways that I might express how I am feeling? How can I express my feelings in a healthful way?

How Can My Emotions Affect My Health?

Mind-body connection-idea that your thoughts and feelings have an effect on your body. Suppose you are feeling rushed. You believe you do not have enough time to get things done. Your mind is racing. When your mind races and rushes, so does your body. Your heart rate and blood pressure might increase.

Suppose you keep angry feelings bottled up inside you. You do not allow your anger to get out. When it finally does, you explode. When you let pressure build up in your mind, your body does, too. Your blood pressure increases and your more at risk for stroke. A stroke occurs when a blood vessel in your brain bursts.

Suppose you are depressed. You feel down most of the time. When you feel down, your body shuts down, too. White blood cells that fight disease shut down. Pathogens in your body multiply, and can cause disease. You get colds and flu more often. You feel tired and lack energy.

How Do I Put Together an I-Message?

I-message-statement that includes a behavior, the effect of the behavior, and the feeling that results. Put together an I-message: The behavior The effect The feelings that result

An I-message is a responsibility message. You take responsibility for what you are feeling. You do not blame someone else. An I-message does not make a person put up his or her guard. You want people to feel comfortable. When you use an I-message, you have more friends.

How Can I Keep My Mind Alert?

Mind alertness-sharpness of your mind. Keep your mind sharp by using your mind often. Read books to learn new facts; Remember facts and store them in your brain; Add new words to your vocabulary; Complete crossword puzzles or play word games.

Keep your body in top form to be mentally alert. Choose a drug-free style. Do not drink alcohol. Do not smoke cigarettes. Get plenty of physical activity. Improves circulation Brain will get oxygen it needs to do its work. Do not skip meals When you skip, your blood sugar level drops. Talk to adults. Adults can ask you questions that make you think.

Cures for Boredom Boredom-state of being restless because you have no interests. Cure to boredom is: Find a new interest. Get involved in a school activity. Try a new sport or hobby. Learn a foreign language. Read a book.