European Topic Centre on Sustainable Consumption and Production (ETC/SCP) Lars Fogh Mortensen, Head of Group Sustainable Consumption and Production.


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Presentation transcript:

European Topic Centre on Sustainable Consumption and Production (ETC/SCP) Lars Fogh Mortensen, Head of Group Sustainable Consumption and Production

Contents Policy context (2.1) EEA role in support of policy (2.2) Main elements of the work to be carried out by ETC/SCP (3) Work package 1 (3.2) Work package 2 (3.2) Work package 3 (3.2) Work package 4 (3.2) Award criteria (5.5) Today, we see a development towards a perception of the ‘whole system’ also in economic terms. This perspective is called ‘industrial ecology’. Industrial ecology focuses on the potential role of industry in reducing environmental burdens throughout the product life cycle, from the extraction of raw materials, to the production of goods, to the use of those goods, and to the management of the resulting wastes. Industrial ecology is a systems approach drawing upon methods for analysis and synthesis from systems science. This systems approach focuses upon the interaction of industrial systems and the ecological systems of which they are part. It seeks to redesign industrial activities to reduce the ecological impact of human activity to levels natural systems can sustain. Industrial ecology is the shifting of industrial processes from linear (open loop) systems, in which resources and capital investments move through the system to become waste, to a closed loop system where wastes become inputs for new processes, also referred to as a circular economy.

Policy context (2009-13) Global Europe National Johannesburg WSSD: Agreement to develop framework of programmes on SCP UNCSD review in 2010-11 of SCP progress worldwide EU SDS identified achieving SCP as one of seven key challenges EU Action Plans on SCP and on Sustainable Industrial Policies Specific legislation on waste etc. SCP action plans and policies Today, we see a development towards a perception of the ‘whole system’ also in economic terms. This perspective is called ‘industrial ecology’. Industrial ecology focuses on the potential role of industry in reducing environmental burdens throughout the product life cycle, from the extraction of raw materials, to the production of goods, to the use of those goods, and to the management of the resulting wastes. Industrial ecology is a systems approach drawing upon methods for analysis and synthesis from systems science. This systems approach focuses upon the interaction of industrial systems and the ecological systems of which they are part. It seeks to redesign industrial activities to reduce the ecological impact of human activity to levels natural systems can sustain. Industrial ecology is the shifting of industrial processes from linear (open loop) systems, in which resources and capital investments move through the system to become waste, to a closed loop system where wastes become inputs for new processes, also referred to as a circular economy.

EEA role in support of policy, 2009-13 Support national, EU and global policy processes on SCP, including resources and waste Work closely with member countries, Commission (including DGs, Eurostat and JRC), Parliament, international organisations SCP expected to be major component of EEA Strategy 2009-13 ETC/SCP will replace current ETC Resource and Waste Management Previously supported by ETC waste and material flows and before that ETC waste Today, we see a development towards a perception of the ‘whole system’ also in economic terms. This perspective is called ‘industrial ecology’. Industrial ecology focuses on the potential role of industry in reducing environmental burdens throughout the product life cycle, from the extraction of raw materials, to the production of goods, to the use of those goods, and to the management of the resulting wastes. Industrial ecology is a systems approach drawing upon methods for analysis and synthesis from systems science. This systems approach focuses upon the interaction of industrial systems and the ecological systems of which they are part. It seeks to redesign industrial activities to reduce the ecological impact of human activity to levels natural systems can sustain. Industrial ecology is the shifting of industrial processes from linear (open loop) systems, in which resources and capital investments move through the system to become waste, to a closed loop system where wastes become inputs for new processes, also referred to as a circular economy.

EEA role in support of policy (cont.) Continued and strengthened EEA SCP activities in 2009-13, supported by ETC/SCP, will be centered around these major clusters of activities Indicators of sustainable consumption and production, and support to Eurostat data centres Analysis of environmental pressures and impacts from consumption and production Information and effectiveness analyses on sustainable consumption and production Today, we see a development towards a perception of the ‘whole system’ also in economic terms. This perspective is called ‘industrial ecology’. Industrial ecology focuses on the potential role of industry in reducing environmental burdens throughout the product life cycle, from the extraction of raw materials, to the production of goods, to the use of those goods, and to the management of the resulting wastes. Industrial ecology is a systems approach drawing upon methods for analysis and synthesis from systems science. This systems approach focuses upon the interaction of industrial systems and the ecological systems of which they are part. It seeks to redesign industrial activities to reduce the ecological impact of human activity to levels natural systems can sustain. Industrial ecology is the shifting of industrial processes from linear (open loop) systems, in which resources and capital investments move through the system to become waste, to a closed loop system where wastes become inputs for new processes, also referred to as a circular economy.

Main elements of the work to be carried out by ETC/SCP Expected work divided into four work packages: Indicators of SCP and support to data centres Analysing environmental pressures from production and consumption Providing policy information and evaluations of the effectiveness of policies Management, cooperation, knowledge sharing and communication Today, we see a development towards a perception of the ‘whole system’ also in economic terms. This perspective is called ‘industrial ecology’. Industrial ecology focuses on the potential role of industry in reducing environmental burdens throughout the product life cycle, from the extraction of raw materials, to the production of goods, to the use of those goods, and to the management of the resulting wastes. Industrial ecology is a systems approach drawing upon methods for analysis and synthesis from systems science. This systems approach focuses upon the interaction of industrial systems and the ecological systems of which they are part. It seeks to redesign industrial activities to reduce the ecological impact of human activity to levels natural systems can sustain. Industrial ecology is the shifting of industrial processes from linear (open loop) systems, in which resources and capital investments move through the system to become waste, to a closed loop system where wastes become inputs for new processes, also referred to as a circular economy.

Work package 1: Indicators of SCP and support to Eurostat data centres Support EEA in its work on indicators of SCP and provide support to Eurostat data centres on waste, resources and products. Tasks could include for example: Development and use of indicators of SCP Support efforts on indicators of resource efficiency Updating EEA core set of indicators Support Eurostat data centres Work with Eurostat to gather additional data as needed from private companies and other sources Today, we see a development towards a perception of the ‘whole system’ also in economic terms. This perspective is called ‘industrial ecology’. Industrial ecology focuses on the potential role of industry in reducing environmental burdens throughout the product life cycle, from the extraction of raw materials, to the production of goods, to the use of those goods, and to the management of the resulting wastes. Industrial ecology is a systems approach drawing upon methods for analysis and synthesis from systems science. This systems approach focuses upon the interaction of industrial systems and the ecological systems of which they are part. It seeks to redesign industrial activities to reduce the ecological impact of human activity to levels natural systems can sustain. Industrial ecology is the shifting of industrial processes from linear (open loop) systems, in which resources and capital investments move through the system to become waste, to a closed loop system where wastes become inputs for new processes, also referred to as a circular economy.

Work package 1: Indicators of SCP and support to Eurostat data centres (cont.) Experience and expertise is needed on: SCP indicators Resource efficiency and material flow indicators Waste indicators Data, statistics and reporting related to waste, resources and products at the national and European level Today, we see a development towards a perception of the ‘whole system’ also in economic terms. This perspective is called ‘industrial ecology’. Industrial ecology focuses on the potential role of industry in reducing environmental burdens throughout the product life cycle, from the extraction of raw materials, to the production of goods, to the use of those goods, and to the management of the resulting wastes. Industrial ecology is a systems approach drawing upon methods for analysis and synthesis from systems science. This systems approach focuses upon the interaction of industrial systems and the ecological systems of which they are part. It seeks to redesign industrial activities to reduce the ecological impact of human activity to levels natural systems can sustain. Industrial ecology is the shifting of industrial processes from linear (open loop) systems, in which resources and capital investments move through the system to become waste, to a closed loop system where wastes become inputs for new processes, also referred to as a circular economy.

Work package 1: Example Trends in ownership, energy efficiency, and overall electricity consumption of selected household appliances in EU-15 In the EU-15, more and more household appliances like TV sets, dishwashers and washing machines are in use. At the same time, many products and services have become more and more energy efficient over the last years. But in the result, the energy efficiency gains are outweighed by the growing numbers of appliances: the red line shows as a result a growing energy consumption

Work package 2: Analysing environmental pressures and impacts from P and C Support the EEA in its work to analyse environmental pressures and impacts from P and C in Europe. Tasks could include for example: Support SCP Action Plan by deepening analyses of environmental impacts from housing, food and drink, mobility and tourism Work on environmental accounting and material flows (including NAMEA) Support implementation of ETAP Analyse private and public consumption in Europe Develop scenarios and projections for future consumption Analyse developments in waste generation and management Today, we see a development towards a perception of the ‘whole system’ also in economic terms. This perspective is called ‘industrial ecology’. Industrial ecology focuses on the potential role of industry in reducing environmental burdens throughout the product life cycle, from the extraction of raw materials, to the production of goods, to the use of those goods, and to the management of the resulting wastes. Industrial ecology is a systems approach drawing upon methods for analysis and synthesis from systems science. This systems approach focuses upon the interaction of industrial systems and the ecological systems of which they are part. It seeks to redesign industrial activities to reduce the ecological impact of human activity to levels natural systems can sustain. Industrial ecology is the shifting of industrial processes from linear (open loop) systems, in which resources and capital investments move through the system to become waste, to a closed loop system where wastes become inputs for new processes, also referred to as a circular economy.

Work package 2: Analysing environmental pressures and impacts from P and C (cont.) Experience and expertise is needed especially in the areas of: Integrated environmental and economic accounting Consumer behaviour Integrated assessments Life-cycle thinking and analysis Cost-benefit and cost-effectiveness analysis Scenarios and outlooks Environmental technologies Knowledge of management options and practise for major waste streams Today, we see a development towards a perception of the ‘whole system’ also in economic terms. This perspective is called ‘industrial ecology’. Industrial ecology focuses on the potential role of industry in reducing environmental burdens throughout the product life cycle, from the extraction of raw materials, to the production of goods, to the use of those goods, and to the management of the resulting wastes. Industrial ecology is a systems approach drawing upon methods for analysis and synthesis from systems science. This systems approach focuses upon the interaction of industrial systems and the ecological systems of which they are part. It seeks to redesign industrial activities to reduce the ecological impact of human activity to levels natural systems can sustain. Industrial ecology is the shifting of industrial processes from linear (open loop) systems, in which resources and capital investments move through the system to become waste, to a closed loop system where wastes become inputs for new processes, also referred to as a circular economy.

Work package 2: Example Today, we see a development towards a perception of the ‘whole system’ also in economic terms. This perspective is called ‘industrial ecology’. Industrial ecology focuses on the potential role of industry in reducing environmental burdens throughout the product life cycle, from the extraction of raw materials, to the production of goods, to the use of those goods, and to the management of the resulting wastes. Industrial ecology is a systems approach drawing upon methods for analysis and synthesis from systems science. This systems approach focuses upon the interaction of industrial systems and the ecological systems of which they are part. It seeks to redesign industrial activities to reduce the ecological impact of human activity to levels natural systems can sustain. Industrial ecology is the shifting of industrial processes from linear (open loop) systems, in which resources and capital investments move through the system to become waste, to a closed loop system where wastes become inputs for new processes, also referred to as a circular economy.

Work package 3: Providing policy information and evaluations of the effectiveness of policies Assist EEA in providing policy information and evaluations of effectiveness of SCP policies, including for example: Prepare country fact sheets on SCP and waste policies Undertake concrete evaluations of effectiveness SCP action plans and policies in EEA member countries Undertake concrete evaluations of waste policies in EEA member countries Today, we see a development towards a perception of the ‘whole system’ also in economic terms. This perspective is called ‘industrial ecology’. Industrial ecology focuses on the potential role of industry in reducing environmental burdens throughout the product life cycle, from the extraction of raw materials, to the production of goods, to the use of those goods, and to the management of the resulting wastes. Industrial ecology is a systems approach drawing upon methods for analysis and synthesis from systems science. This systems approach focuses upon the interaction of industrial systems and the ecological systems of which they are part. It seeks to redesign industrial activities to reduce the ecological impact of human activity to levels natural systems can sustain. Industrial ecology is the shifting of industrial processes from linear (open loop) systems, in which resources and capital investments move through the system to become waste, to a closed loop system where wastes become inputs for new processes, also referred to as a circular economy.

Work package 3: Providing policy information and evaluations of the effectiveness of policies (cont.) Experience and expertise is needed across the entire policy cycle. In particular, expertise and experience is needed on: Ex-post policy effectiveness methodologies Detailed and comparative policy effectiveness evaluations Working with EEA member countries on national policy information on SCP and waste Today, we see a development towards a perception of the ‘whole system’ also in economic terms. This perspective is called ‘industrial ecology’. Industrial ecology focuses on the potential role of industry in reducing environmental burdens throughout the product life cycle, from the extraction of raw materials, to the production of goods, to the use of those goods, and to the management of the resulting wastes. Industrial ecology is a systems approach drawing upon methods for analysis and synthesis from systems science. This systems approach focuses upon the interaction of industrial systems and the ecological systems of which they are part. It seeks to redesign industrial activities to reduce the ecological impact of human activity to levels natural systems can sustain. Industrial ecology is the shifting of industrial processes from linear (open loop) systems, in which resources and capital investments move through the system to become waste, to a closed loop system where wastes become inputs for new processes, also referred to as a circular economy.

Work package 3 example Today, we see a development towards a perception of the ‘whole system’ also in economic terms. This perspective is called ‘industrial ecology’. Industrial ecology focuses on the potential role of industry in reducing environmental burdens throughout the product life cycle, from the extraction of raw materials, to the production of goods, to the use of those goods, and to the management of the resulting wastes. Industrial ecology is a systems approach drawing upon methods for analysis and synthesis from systems science. This systems approach focuses upon the interaction of industrial systems and the ecological systems of which they are part. It seeks to redesign industrial activities to reduce the ecological impact of human activity to levels natural systems can sustain. Industrial ecology is the shifting of industrial processes from linear (open loop) systems, in which resources and capital investments move through the system to become waste, to a closed loop system where wastes become inputs for new processes, also referred to as a circular economy.

Work package 4: Management, cooperation, knowledge sharing and communication ETC management mechanism Annual ETC Implementation Plan High quality products Ensure transition from current ETC Working with countries, business, civil society and other ETCs Participate in meetings etc. Raising public awareness Reporting regularly to NFP/Eionet Web-based and multimedia tools Outreach and information dissemination Management Cooperation Knowledge sharing and communication Today, we see a development towards a perception of the ‘whole system’ also in economic terms. This perspective is called ‘industrial ecology’. Industrial ecology focuses on the potential role of industry in reducing environmental burdens throughout the product life cycle, from the extraction of raw materials, to the production of goods, to the use of those goods, and to the management of the resulting wastes. Industrial ecology is a systems approach drawing upon methods for analysis and synthesis from systems science. This systems approach focuses upon the interaction of industrial systems and the ecological systems of which they are part. It seeks to redesign industrial activities to reduce the ecological impact of human activity to levels natural systems can sustain. Industrial ecology is the shifting of industrial processes from linear (open loop) systems, in which resources and capital investments move through the system to become waste, to a closed loop system where wastes become inputs for new processes, also referred to as a circular economy.

Work package 4: Management, cooperation, knowledge sharing and communication (cont.) Experience and expertise is needed especially in areas of: Cooperation with EEA member countries, EU institutions, international organisations, private companies, the scientific community, NGOs and consumer organisations Organising conferences and workshops Communicating effectively orally and in writing English editing Skills and expertise to maintain the ETC website Today, we see a development towards a perception of the ‘whole system’ also in economic terms. This perspective is called ‘industrial ecology’. Industrial ecology focuses on the potential role of industry in reducing environmental burdens throughout the product life cycle, from the extraction of raw materials, to the production of goods, to the use of those goods, and to the management of the resulting wastes. Industrial ecology is a systems approach drawing upon methods for analysis and synthesis from systems science. This systems approach focuses upon the interaction of industrial systems and the ecological systems of which they are part. It seeks to redesign industrial activities to reduce the ecological impact of human activity to levels natural systems can sustain. Industrial ecology is the shifting of industrial processes from linear (open loop) systems, in which resources and capital investments move through the system to become waste, to a closed loop system where wastes become inputs for new processes, also referred to as a circular economy.

Award criteria Experience and excellent expertise to undertake work on SCP indicators +working with data (10) Experience and excellent expertise to undertake assessment of environmental pressures and impacts related to C and P in Europe (20) Experience and excellent expertise to provide policy information and undertake evaluations of SCP policies (20) Experience and excellent expertise to undertake tasks related to cooperation, knowledge sharing and communication (10) Today, we see a development towards a perception of the ‘whole system’ also in economic terms. This perspective is called ‘industrial ecology’. Industrial ecology focuses on the potential role of industry in reducing environmental burdens throughout the product life cycle, from the extraction of raw materials, to the production of goods, to the use of those goods, and to the management of the resulting wastes. Industrial ecology is a systems approach drawing upon methods for analysis and synthesis from systems science. This systems approach focuses upon the interaction of industrial systems and the ecological systems of which they are part. It seeks to redesign industrial activities to reduce the ecological impact of human activity to levels natural systems can sustain. Industrial ecology is the shifting of industrial processes from linear (open loop) systems, in which resources and capital investments move through the system to become waste, to a closed loop system where wastes become inputs for new processes, also referred to as a circular economy.

Award criteria (continued) Balanced spread of partners across EEA member countries and sound arrangements for management of the ETC consortium and its projects (15) Demonstrated suitable and balanced mix of analytical skills and scientific background (15) Concrete plans and methodologies for the ETC consortium to carry out the tasks, including making use of inovative and creative ideas and methods (10) Today, we see a development towards a perception of the ‘whole system’ also in economic terms. This perspective is called ‘industrial ecology’. Industrial ecology focuses on the potential role of industry in reducing environmental burdens throughout the product life cycle, from the extraction of raw materials, to the production of goods, to the use of those goods, and to the management of the resulting wastes. Industrial ecology is a systems approach drawing upon methods for analysis and synthesis from systems science. This systems approach focuses upon the interaction of industrial systems and the ecological systems of which they are part. It seeks to redesign industrial activities to reduce the ecological impact of human activity to levels natural systems can sustain. Industrial ecology is the shifting of industrial processes from linear (open loop) systems, in which resources and capital investments move through the system to become waste, to a closed loop system where wastes become inputs for new processes, also referred to as a circular economy.