Francis Bacon and the Beginnings of the Scientific Revolution
Francis Bacon ( ) Bacon was a central guiding force to the emerging modern worldview.
Biography Sir Nicholas Bacon
Biography Anne Cook Bacon
Biography Francis Bacon entered Trinity College when he was just 12 years old!
Trinity College Library Bacon felt a life of scholarship would be vain if that knowledge had no practical purpose (he was much disgusted by scholasticism).
Bacon’s Literary Career Bacon’s greatest intellectual contribution was his championing of modern science and the scientific method.
Science as the Model for Philosophy Bacon supposedly coined the phrase “knowledge is power.” Knowledge becomes utilitarian. Bacon supposedly coined the phrase “knowledge is power.” Knowledge becomes utilitarian.
Science as the Model for Philosophy Bacon promoted the inductive method of reasoning. The goal was for philosophy to no longer be based on abstract principles, but on concrete data.
The Five Idols “Idols” block the acquisition of new knowledge. 1st idol: “Idols of the Tribe” are cultural prejudices. “Idols” block the acquisition of new knowledge. 1st idol: “Idols of the Tribe” are cultural prejudices.
The Five Idols 2nd idol: “Idols of the Cave” are personal prejudices.
The Five Idols 2nd idol: “Idols of the Cave” are personal prejudices. 3rd idol: “Idols of the Market-Place” has to do with the tyranny of language. 2nd idol: “Idols of the Cave” are personal prejudices. 3rd idol: “Idols of the Market-Place” has to do with the tyranny of language.
The Five Idols 3rd idol: “Idols of the Market-Place” has to do with the tyranny of language. 4th idol: “Idols of the Theater” has to do with received tradition.
The Five Idols 4th idol: “Idols of the Theater” has to do with received tradition. 5th idol: “Idols of the Schools” is a belief in a blind rule of reasoning. 4th idol: “Idols of the Theater” has to do with received tradition. 5th idol: “Idols of the Schools” is a belief in a blind rule of reasoning.