The IT FUNK program 2007-2012 Research, Development and Innovation into Information and Communication Technology for All – regardless of Ability.


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Presentation transcript:

The IT FUNK program Research, Development and Innovation into Information and Communication Technology for All – regardless of Ability

The purpose of IT FUNK : Contribute to accessibility for all – to ICT and to society at large through the use of ICT. Resources: 1 MEURO per year, from the Ministry of Labour and Social Inclusion and Ministry of Trade and Industry 1 MEURO per year, from the Ministry of Labour and Social Inclusion and Ministry of Trade and Industry At least 1 MEURO in matching funds from the firms and organisations involved in the projects (usually provided in kind) At least 1 MEURO in matching funds from the firms and organisations involved in the projects (usually provided in kind)

Instruments Financial support for R&D, innovation and standardisation of accessible ICT-based products and services and assistive ICT-based technology. Financial support for R&D, innovation and standardisation of accessible ICT-based products and services and assistive ICT-based technology. Network of experts on ICT and user needs ready to engage in project evaluation and execution Network of experts on ICT and user needs ready to engage in project evaluation and execution Support for international cooperation in R&I and efforts to increase awareness and knowledge in the ICT-community of user needs and accessibility challenges. Support for international cooperation in R&I and efforts to increase awareness and knowledge in the ICT-community of user needs and accessibility challenges.

IT FUNK Strategy Promote the use of universal design principles in ICT and ICT-based products and services in the public and private sector Promote the use of universal design principles in ICT and ICT-based products and services in the public and private sector Promote assistive technology based on standard technology and interacting with products for the general market Promote assistive technology based on standard technology and interacting with products for the general market Promote Norwegian participation in relevant international R,D&I and standardisation programmes and projects Promote Norwegian participation in relevant international R,D&I and standardisation programmes and projects Promote standards and guidelines for accessibility and “design-for-all” in all ICT-projects funded by the Norwegian Research Council Promote standards and guidelines for accessibility and “design-for-all” in all ICT-projects funded by the Norwegian Research Council Promote broad-based user participation in R&D and implementation of ICT-based solutions Promote broad-based user participation in R&D and implementation of ICT-based solutions Focus on accessibility issues impacting on people’s life chances; education, the workplace and basic services to citizens from public and private providers Focus on accessibility issues impacting on people’s life chances; education, the workplace and basic services to citizens from public and private providers

European projects (linked to IT FUNK-projects) DIADEM (6FP-eInclusion): Delivering Inclusive Access for Disabled or Elderly Members of the Community, Coordinator: Brunel University, UK. Norwegian contribution: Create software components that can front-end existing services with an intelligent, supportive and personalised user interface, see DIADEM (6FP-eInclusion): Delivering Inclusive Access for Disabled or Elderly Members of the Community, Coordinator: Brunel University, UK. Norwegian contribution: Create software components that can front-end existing services with an intelligent, supportive and personalised user interface, see EIAO (6FP/eIncl+DG IS/M): European Internet Accessibility Observatory (large-scale accessibility benchmarking) Coordinator: Agder University College, Norway. EIAO (6FP/eIncl+DG IS/M): European Internet Accessibility Observatory (large-scale accessibility benchmarking) Coordinator: Agder University College, Norway. OSIRIS (EU-EUREKA): Open Source Infrastructure for Run- time Integration of Services OSIRIS (EU-EUREKA): Open Source Infrastructure for Run- time Integration of Services ENABLE (EU): Enabling products for persons with dementia ENABLE (EU): Enabling products for persons with dementia

Contact Information Program homepage: Program homepage: Program coordinator: Maja Arnestad, Program coordinator: Maja Arnestad, phone or The Research Council of Norway: The Research Council of Norway: