What is the Internet? Take the red pill….. …Be able to explain the technical workings of the Internet …understand why the nature of the internet means.


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Presentation transcript:

What is the Internet? Take the red pill….

…Be able to explain the technical workings of the Internet …understand why the nature of the internet means I need to be Digitally Aware Learning Goals Surface Learning Deep Learning The Web Lesson 1: What is the Internet? In this lesson you will….. Have some context of the technical layout of the Internet Collaborate

Where did it come from? Academics wanted a way to share the work they were doing. Connected computers together by a phone-number (TCP-IP) Use of a spiders web to get data across rather than a direct connection. Network allows date to be transmitted from A – B (see how in a minute) Tim Berners-Lee while working at CERN, came up with a method of hyperlinks to connect pages together. Called it the Web. He set up an organization to safe guard it and keep it free, called W3C.

How does it work? Your teacher will introduce the spider game. Key rules.. – You are not allowed out of your seat. – You must communicate by “phone numbers”. – If you do not know somebodies phone number, you have to ask a “name server” – All data needs to be passed from person to person. (Ripped into smaller pieces and passed in different directions.

The spider web of the internet A fraction of the internet is mapped in this map by the OPTE project. Every point connects to 20 or so other points and data can be passed between them.

How many hop’s to Google.. I have asked my computer to show me the steps it goes through when moving to different web sites. You can see it went through 14 different computers to get to ! Because of this spidersweb method of communicating, the military were very interested in the WEB and paid to have it massively extended.

Why did the Military pay for it? Because it could survive a nuclear war… 95% of the web could be destroyed and the Army could still communicate A massive advantage if the Cold war had gone hot…

Did it work? In recent times the internet’s immunity to shut down has been tested. In May 2012, The British government prevented access to the “Pirate Bay” website. – In the week following the block, access to the website from the UK, increased by 15% In January 2011, the Egyptian state shut down access to the internet for its citizens. (They shut the “Name Servers”) – Within a hour all internet access in and out of Egypt stopped. – However over the next few days internet access increased back to about 10% of its total. – People discovered the Phone numbers for Google and Twitter and continued to surf – The government failed to block the internet “the internet views censorship as damage and routes around it”

What does that mean to me? No government can shut down or censor the Internet. The very reason the Internet was created means that it is a impossible place to govern or police. So…. As a citizen of the digital age I need to be aware of the dangers when I use the internet. I need to understand if what I do is legal or illegal. I need to understand how to stay safe on it. Because, I can not just assume somebody else will keep me safe…

Task Earlier in the lesson you were shown a few different pictures of the “Internet” Have a think about what you think the internet looks like. Use a graphics package and draw how you think the internet looks. Jen from the IT crowd is given the Internet.

…Be able to explain the technical workings of the Internet …understand why the nature of the internet means I need to be Digitally Aware Learning Goals Surface Learning Deep Learning The Web Lesson 1: What is the Internet? How did I do?….. Have some context of the technical layout of the Internet Collaborate