Developing role of community pharmacy in responding to the needs of people with drug problems Karen Melville Principal Pharmacist TSMS NHS Tayside.


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Presentation transcript:

Developing role of community pharmacy in responding to the needs of people with drug problems Karen Melville Principal Pharmacist TSMS NHS Tayside

A few years ago….. Busy Pharmacy 10 people receiving OST IEP 3-4 transactions daily

A few Years ago….. Dispense and supervise methadone Little understanding of ethos of medical treatment Little or no proactive communication with prescriber

But….I had a dream Community pharmacy would become part of an integrated care team responding to the needs of people with drug problems

Current service availability Opiate Substitution Therapy 92 (100%) of pharmacies provide OST Approx people attend regularly Average of 34 people per pharmacy (1-105) Majority supervised 6-7 days 14 IEP sites

OUR VISION: All patients, regardless of their age and setting of care, receive high quality pharmaceutical care from clinical pharmacist independent prescribers. This will be delivered through collaborative partnerships with the patient, carer, GP and the other relevant health, social care, third and independent sector professionals so that every patient gets the best possible outcomes from their medicines, and avoiding waste and harm.

Pharmaceutical Care Is the responsible provision of drug therapy to achieve agreed outcomes that improve an individual’s quality of life. It involves cooperation with the patient, and if appropriate their carer, and other professionals in designing, implementing and monitoring a pharmaceutical care plan that will produce a specific therapeutic outcome for the patient.

Work undertaken Collaboration with APCC Service user focus groups Training & development of staff

Patient Story

The Future Community pharmacy is part of an integrated care team responding to the needs of people with drug problems.