Review: Simple Sentences Are independent clauses Consist of one subject and one verb A prepositional phrase consists of a _____________ and its ________.


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Presentation transcript:

Review: Simple Sentences Are independent clauses Consist of one subject and one verb A prepositional phrase consists of a _____________ and its ________. European immigrants arrived at Ellis Island.

Review: Simple Sentences A subject tells ____ or _____ is being talked about in the sentence. The three types of verbs are: – Action verbs – Linking verbs – Auxiliary verbs (helping verbs) T or F: A verb can be made up of more than one word.

Compound Sentences Coordinating conjunctions Semicolons Transition words Transition phrases

Compound Sentences Are made up of two or more independent clauses (simple sentences) One way to form a compound sentence is by joining two independent clauses with a coordinating conjunction preceded by a comma: – European immigrants arrived at Ellis Island, but Asian immigrants arrived at Angel Island.

Coordinating Conjunctions F A N B O Y S

Join two ideas of equal importance. Describe the relationship between two ideas, showing how and why the ideas are related.

Coordinating Conjunctions Different coordinating ideas have different meanings: To indicate addition, use and: He acts like a child, and people think he is cute. To indicate contrast or contradiction, use but or yet: He acts like a child, but he is an adult. He acts like a child, yet he longs to be taken seriously.

Coordinating Conjunctions To indicate a cause-and-effect relationship, use so or for: He acts like a child, so we treat him like one. He acts like a child, for he craves attention. To present alternatives, use or: He acts like a child, or he is ignored. To eliminate alternatives, use nor: He does not act like a child, nor does he look like one.

Coordinating Conjunctions When joining two independent clauses, always put a comma before the coordinating conjunction. Do not use a comma unless you’re linking two complete independent clauses: Incorrect: The cat hissed, and ran away. Correct: The cat hissed and ran away.

Using Semicolons Another way to create a compound sentence is by joining two simple sentences (independent clauses) with a semicolon. – The AIDS quilt contains thousands of panels; each panel is rectangular. A semicolon generally connects clauses whose ideas are closely linked.

Using Transitional Words & Phrases Another way to create a compound sentence is by combining two simple sentences (independent clauses) with a transitional word or phrase. In this case, a semicolon always comes before the transitional word or phrase, and a comma always comes after it: – Some college students receive grants; however, others must take out loans. – He had a miserable time at the party; in addition, he lost is wallet.

Transitional words and phrases Adding a transitional word or phrase makes the connection between ideas in a sentence clearer and more precise than it would be if the ideas were linked with just a semicolon. Different transitional words and phrases convey different meanings.

Transitional words and phrases Some signal addition (also, besides, furthermore, in addition, moreover, etc.): – I have a lot on my mind; also, I have a lot of things to do. Some make causal connections (therefore, as a result, consequently, thus, etc.): – I have a lot on my mind; therefore, it is hard to concentrate.

Transitional words and phrases Some indicate contradiction or contrast (nevertheless, however, in contrast, still, etc.): – I have a lot on my mind; still, I have a lot of things to do. Some present alternatives (instead, on the contrary, otherwise, etc.): – I have a lot on my mind; otherwise, I could relax. – I will try not to think; instead, I will relax. Some indicate time sequence (eventually, finally, at the same time, later, meanwhile, now, subsequently, then, etc.): – I have a lot on my mind; meanwhile, I still have work to do.

Review A compound sentence is made up of ______ ___________________________________. Coordinating conjunctions ______ two ideas of equal importance and describe ______ ______________ between two ideas. An acronym you can use to remember coordinating conjunctions is _____________.

Review You can also use a __________ to connect clauses whose ideas are closely linked. When using a transitional word or phrase, a __________ always comes before the word/ phrase and a ________ always comes after.