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ENC 1101, Freshman Composition I Commas Until You Cry Cry !

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2 ENC 1101, Freshman Composition I Commas Until You Cry Cry !

3 PhrasesPhrases

4 1.Prepositional Phrase Begins with a preposition, a word that shows location in place or in time. Begins with a preposition, a word that shows location in place or in time. Ends with a noun.(Object of preposition) Ends with a noun.(Object of preposition) Check out these examples: Check out these examples: That tasty poodle went over my tongue, down my throat, and into my stomach! That tasty poodle went over my tongue, down my throat, and into my stomach!

5 Participle Phrase Begins with a present or past participle. Begins with a present or past participle. A present participle always ends in ing. A present participle always ends in ing. A past participle frequently ends in ed. A past participle frequently ends in ed. Check out these examples: Check out these examples: Playing all time,the boys slept all night. Playing all time,the boys slept all night. Boiled with anger, John broke the vase. Boiled with anger, John broke the vase. Ground like hamburger, boiling in swamp water, seasoned with garlic, the tasty poodle simmered in a pot! Ground like hamburger, boiling in swamp water, seasoned with garlic, the tasty poodle simmered in a pot!

6 Infinitive Phrase Begins with an infinitive [ to + verb ]. Begins with an infinitive [ to + verb ]. Might include modifier(s) to finish the thought. Might include modifier(s) to finish the thought. Here are some examples: Here are some examples: To eat another tasty poodle or to be satisfied with just that one... To eat another tasty poodle or to be satisfied with just that one...

7 CommasCommas Remember! All introductory phrases should be followed by a comma Example: In the pool, the girls played. Disturbed by the storm, the kids cried.

8 AppositiveAppositive An appositive is a noun phrase that renames another noun. An appositive is a noun phrase that renames another noun. An appositive comes either right before or right after the noun it describes. An appositive comes either right before or right after the noun it describes. Check out this example: Check out this example: The poodle, a yapping fur ball, was not as tasty as the human foot I snagged last week. The poodle, a yapping fur ball, was not as tasty as the human foot I snagged last week.

9 Comma Tip 1 All introductory elements require a comma when they are connected to a main clause (A sentence with subject and verb) that follows. All introductory elements require a comma when they are connected to a main clause (A sentence with subject and verb) that follows. The pattern looks like this: The pattern looks like this: Introductory element +, + main clause.

10 Phrases in a series Separate phrases that come in series using commas. Examples In the class, on the desk,and under the table Playing, singing, and dancing Playing, singing, and dancing

11 1. On top of the computer monitor in the bedroom a collection of stuffed unicorns supervises the work Lori completes at the keyboard below.,

12 2. Akram has a problem hitting the snooze button on his alarm over and over. To get to his first class on time Akram frequently eats a donut in the car, getting crumbs all over the seat of his new vehicle.,

13 3. In English class no one wants to sit next to Eli because he is always smacking his gum loudly. Moreover he nervously swings his leg, kicking people in the thighs, shins, and ankles.,,

14 Only one more sentence part to learn! Only one more sentence part to learn!

15 Essential /Non Essential Phrases Our English teacher Mrs. Mona is happy All girls in the pool are happy 1.Identify the phrases 2.State which one is essential 3.What do we have to add?

16 Exactly!!Exactly!! Our English teacher,Mrs. Mona, is happy. The appositive phrase is non- essential. That is why we need commas All girls in the pool are happy The prepositional phrase is important. If we omit it,the meaning of the whole sentence will change! No commas needed

17 Exercises Insert commas

18 1. At Burger King James tried to keep pace with Theodore who can eat a Whopper in thirty seconds flat.,

19 2.Michael's faded ragged New York Jets jacket was an inappropriate choice of clothing for his second interview at Sun Trust Bank.

20 The END. The END.

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