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Jeopardy Review Jeopardy Review 100 200 100 200 300 400 500 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 GeographyReligionFeudalism.

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4 Jeopardy Review Jeopardy Review 100 200 100 200 300 400 500 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 GeographyReligionFeudalism The Decline of Feudalism Vocabulary

5 Geography 100 Scientists believe that the Bubonic Plague came from this continent, and was brought to Europe by rats. What is Asia?

6 Geography 200 The Hundred Years War, which led to the decline of feudalism, was fought between these two nations. What are England & France?

7 Geography 300 Towns developed when power shifted from feudal lords to? What is merchants?

8 Geography 400 What was transfer of power & high unemployment, high taxes, and high crime? In addition to Rome being so large, what factors contributed to its fall?

9 Geography 500 These three things had to happen in order for towns to develop. What are better farming techniques, a surplus of food, and specialization of craft?

10 Religion 100 The majority of Europeans in Medieval Europe practiced this branch of Christianity. What is Catholicism?

11 Religion 200 The leaders of the Roman Catholic & Eastern Orthodox Churches are known as the ___________. What are the Pope & the patriarch?

12 Religion 300 Monarchs believed they got their right to rule directly from god. This is know as what? What is the Divine Right of Kings?

13 Religion 400 People who are deeply devoted to their faith (religion) sometimes go on pilgrimages. People who go on pilgrimages are called what? What is a pilgrim?

14 Religion 500 Churches were at the center of medieval life. Three ways they did this was by What are government, wealth, and salvation?

15 Feudalism 100 Feudalism started to provide protection & order after the fall of what empire? What was the Roman Empire?

16 Feudalism 200 This is what you call a system which ranks people according to how much power they have.. What is a hierarchy?

17 Feudalism 300 What was the Lords role in the feudal system? To defend his vassal and peasants..

18 Feudalism 400 Who were peasants? This group provided labor, loyalty, and paid taxes.

19 Feudalism 500 This group acted as judges in the feudal system. Who were lords and ladies (nobles)?

20 The Decline of Feudalism 100 As towns developed, the growth of this class of people, challenged the power of the nobles. Who were the Middle/Merchant class?

21 The Decline of Feudalism 200 After the plague, so many people died, the demand for this caused a shift in the social structure. What were workers?

22 DAILY DOUBLE – Big Ideas This series of religious wars in the Holy Lands of the Middle East, also contributed to the decline of Feudalism. What were the Crusades ?

23 The Decline of Feudalism 400 This important document established the idea that kings and queens cannot violate certain rights and liberties. What was the Magna Carta?

24 The Decline of Feudalism 500 These three events worked together to bring about the decline of feudalism. What were legal reforms, the bubonic plague, and the Hundred Years’ War?

25 Vocabulary100 This is a code of behavior directed at knights. What is chivalry?

26 Vocabulary 200 This is a document that allows people to govern themselves and was used by towns to gain independence. What is a charter?

27 Vocabulary 300 This is a formal division or split in a church. What is a schism?

28 Vocabulary 400 This is a person who receives land in exchange for loyalty or service. Who is a vassal?

29 Vocabulary 500 This is the economic & political system of medieval Europe where people exchanged loyalty and labor for protection? What is feudalism?

30 FINAL JEOPARDY Are two similarities & differences in crime and punishment in medieval Europe and present day United States?

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