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2 nd Grade 101 2007-2008. Behavior Plan Changing lights Blue Green Yellow  Red 

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Presentation on theme: "2 nd Grade 101 2007-2008. Behavior Plan Changing lights Blue Green Yellow  Red "— Presentation transcript:

1 2 nd Grade 101 2007-2008

2 Behavior Plan Changing lights Blue Green Yellow  Red 

3 “Eagles in Flight” Qualifications: Passing all subjects on report card All assignments turned in are complete, on time, and represent a desire for QUALITY Assumes responsibility for appropriate behavior by following the “Code of Conduct” (no more than 4 lights changed pulled and no discipline referrals issued in the six weeks period) No more than 3 tardies PIZZA NIGHT & LET’S JUMP

4 Projects & Practice Three take home projects Practice as needed 100 Nights of Reading

5 Practice for Perfection Student: _____________________ Date work was assigned: ______________________ Date work is (was) due: _______________________ Please, RedoComplete Practice The following assignment: _____________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ __________________________________________ Please sign your initials when assignment is completed. ______ Thank You

6 Volunteers We Love Volunteers! Please make sure you have filled out a Volunteer form so you can attend our Field Trips and help out at school. WINGS MENTORS

7 B.E.E. Binders To ensure constant contact with you, a B.E.E. Binder will go home every night. This binder will contain the 2 nd grade news, projects and practice, behavior chart and graded work. It is very important that this binder return to school the next day with behavior log signed.

8 Pick up The final bell rings at 2:50 pm. If you would like to pick up your child prior to 2:50 pm, you must go to the office and sign your child out. The office will then call the classroom and have the child sent to the office with his/her things. ** Please send a note with your child if their mode of transportation changes. If you forget to send a note, please call the office.**

9 Snacks Since the brain works better when fed frequently, snack time is around 9:45a.m.(snacks should be healthy). Please remember if you do not send a snack, your child will not have one. Remind your child they are NOT allowed to share snacks.

10 Report Cards Report cards will be computer generated. You will be able to access your child’s grades online through Pinnacle. If you need help contact Laura Hudler in the office.





15 Thank you for attending our presentation. If you have any questions for me feel free to contact us at: All our websites are working and current so check them out for further Second Grade information.

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