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We are Pierce’s Pack!.  Mrs. Stephanie Pierce  15 years in education:  1 st,3 rd,4 th grades  Family  Moved to Needville Last Year.

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Presentation on theme: "We are Pierce’s Pack!.  Mrs. Stephanie Pierce  15 years in education:  1 st,3 rd,4 th grades  Family  Moved to Needville Last Year."— Presentation transcript:

1 We are Pierce’s Pack!

2  Mrs. Stephanie Pierce  15 years in education:  1 st,3 rd,4 th grades  Family  Moved to Needville Last Year

3  Binder  Homework  Conduct  CSR Folder  Class Work  Consequences

4  Headings at top of EVERY paper  No First Name – 1 point  No Last name – 1 point  No Date – 2 points  Misspelled words – 2 points (if words are provided in word bank on paper or textbook)  - 2 points if grade level appropriate words are misspelled.  Incomplete portions of assignments or incomplete papers (back sides of worksheets, etc) is teacher discretion.

5  Punctuation – 1 point for each error.  Spelling – 2 points for each misspelled word except in the subject of spelling – the word will just be counted wrong.  Complete Sentences – 2 points. Part of the question MUST be re-stated in the student’s answer  Grading Guide – sent home in 1 st day packet

6  Homework is listed daily on the Daily Assignment Sheet located in the Conduct folder. Please initial this daily. This can also be found on my web page.  Homework will be given every day and the students are asked to place it in their homework folder in their binder.  Homework marks are given for incomplete homework or homework not turned in.

7  1 st offense – mark and stay in at recess.  2 nd offense – mark and stay in at recess. Written parent communication (note)  3 rd offense – mark and stay in at recess. Classroom Discipline.  4 th offense – mark and stay in at recess. Office Discipline.  ***Each HW miss after the 4 th in a 6 weeks period will result in an Office Discipline.***  Homework marks will count as behavior marks for the 7 marks in a week discipline policy.

8  This blue folder will come home at Progress Report and Report Card time. Please sign and return the blue folder back to school.

9  8:00-8:15 – Class Preparation  8:15-9:00 – Tutorials/Coaches  9:00-9:30 – Computer (M,W,F)/Music (T,TH)  9:30-10:45 – Math  10:45-11:30 – PE/Conference  11:30-12:30 – English/Writing  12:30-1:00 – Lunch  1:00-1:30 – Recess  1:30-1:45 –Storytime  1:45-3:00 Reading/Spelling  3:00-3:30 – Social Studies or Science  3:30 – Pack up  3:35 – Block 1 and Car Riders  3:40 – Block 2  3:45 – Block 3 and Walkers  Library-----every Monday at 1:45-2:15

10 STAAR Testing will take place: Math – April Reading – April We will take a benchmark test If a child scores low on benchmark, they can receive ARI or AMI, extra tutorials, PAL, possible after school tutorials

11  Student handbook can be found at  Dress Code  Absence notes  Transportation notes  Medicine Notes  Textbooks

12  Tardy Bell rings at 8:05 A.M.  Attendance is taken at 10:10 A.M.  Email me or call the office if you want homework ready to pick up if your child is absent

13  Building will open everyday at 7:15 A.M.  A teacher is not on duty until 7:30 A.M.  Breakfast is served in the white cafeteria  You may drop off at either side in the morning – but only pick up in the car rider line on the blue side in the afternoon.  Lockers  Please DO NOT email me transportation changes in the middle of the day! Send a note or call the office only in an emergency.  Ice Cream is sold on Tues/Thurs. for 50 cents.

14  You may check your child’s lunch account online at  Click on parents & students  Click on parents  Click on links  Click on Lunch Money Now  They cannot borrow lunch money through the office anymore.

15  Student of the week/Birthdays  Room Parents/Background checks  Party Days: Christmas, Valentine’s, and End of Year. These are no candy parties except Valentine’s  Candy/Treats Days: Halloween, Valentine’s, and Easter. Halloween and Easter are NOT party days, but you may send treat bags.  We will be ordering class t-shirts soon! Everyone must have a class t-shirt to participate in school activities. Only CASH money will be accepted.  3 rd Grade music program is in October.

16  When AR begins, your child will be expected to take 2 AR quizzes each week by Friday.  Failure to do so will result in a mark on conduct.  Read at home and they can take a quiz when they get here. They will also have ample reading time during the day to take care of this.  They will be expected to be reading on there level. Soon, they will take a STAR test in the AR program and receive a reading level. This information will be relayed to you so you are aware of where your child needs to be reading.

17  Please join PTA for $8 per person.  We would love to have 100% join in our class!  Being a member does not mean you have to volunteer!  Money raised helps pay for field trips, rewards, parties, activities, etc.  Also, please be saving Box Tops for Education on all General Mills products!

18  School Phone 979-793-4241  Conference Period 10:45-11:30  Email:  Website:  You can also find our web page on the District web page. Click on Needville Elementary then Teacher Web Pages.  Best way to reach me is by email.

19  Questions?

20  Thank you for coming!

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