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NL E 2014- 2015. My Biography Educator for 20 years. Worked in LCPS for 10 years, all in 4 th grade. 3rd year at Newton-Lee. I’ve also taught in middle.

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Presentation on theme: "NL E 2014- 2015. My Biography Educator for 20 years. Worked in LCPS for 10 years, all in 4 th grade. 3rd year at Newton-Lee. I’ve also taught in middle."— Presentation transcript:

1 NL E 2014- 2015

2 My Biography Educator for 20 years. Worked in LCPS for 10 years, all in 4 th grade. 3rd year at Newton-Lee. I’ve also taught in middle school (6-8 th grade). U.S. Navy veteran.

3 Schedule Posted on-line and outside of class. Daily Specials (Also posted online and outside of class). Attendance & Punctuality is extremely important.

4 Curriculum (Available Online) Course syllabi 9 week plans Newsletters (online) Self-contained; switching for Math (mixed ability/flexible grouping)

5 Homework Posted online daily Written in student agenda Parent signature (if needed) Up to 40 minutes – 20 minutes nightly reading – Math Homework M-Th – Reflex Math 3x a week at home (Checked Fri AM) – Word Study – Intermittent Science and Virginia Studies

6 How Can You Help? How to help your child: Math facts (Reflex Math 3 times a week = required homework) Appropriate book selections Project guidance Homework support How to help in the classroom: Volunteering in school and in the classroom Getting things turned in when due Additional supplies (packet) JOIN PTO!

7 How Can You Help? NLE Volunteer Training Wednesday, 9/10/2014 and Friday, 9/12/2014. 8:00-9:00AM

8 Grading & Report Cards Letter grades assigned (subjects) Numbers (achievement/effort) “Progress Report” (Quarters 1-3) vs. “Report Card” (Quarter 4)

9 4 th Grade Projects Projects: “ All About Me,” Biography Poster, and Multi-Cultural Presentation (with food!) Oral presentations: - Formal & Informal - VA Studies and Language Arts

10 Class Rules & Discipline

11 Our Class Rules Try your best, but always challenge yourself. Complete all homework. Respect everyone and everything at all times. If you want to share, please raise your hand. Always use proper line procedures.

12 Discipline 1. Reminder. 2. Warning. 3. Note in Agenda. Note: Students can work these off throughout the day. Continuous behavior issues: Loss of privileges Conference “Behavior Plan” Student sent to NLE admin

13 Reward System 1. “Lunch Bunch” (Individual/Class) 2. “Fun Fridays” 3. Individual rewards

14 Field Trips Focus is on Social Studies and Science. Richmond!!! In-school field trips (“Jamestown Outreach”) In-class “virtual field trips”

15 Communication Register for electronic communication tonight (form) School newsletter Class newsletter Email Phone Conferences

16 FUTURA FUTURA will take place on Wednesdays this year

17 T-Shirt

18 Close Up of T-Shirt

19 Food Policy Healthy snacks, please. Birthday treats: No food, as per LCPS policy (pencils, erasers, etc. are fine.) Class parties: Winter, Valentine’s, and End of the Year Allergies…NUT FREE CLASSROOM this year!

20 Food Policy Lunch invitations: Send note or e-mail in advance. Must order from cafeteria or bring a hand-packed lunch. (New) No restaurant/fast food is to be brought in.

21 Illness 24 hour wellness policy Clinic check-in upon return Medication/Cough drops are to be given to the Nurse.

22 Transportation Transportation changes: Please let us know as soon as possible. Office: “Reduction in bus passes” Early dismissal: Please contact the Office directly, as I may not be able to check e-mail at certain times.

23 Reminders Make sure to sign papers on back table. Forms in packet are due by this Friday, please. $17 check for “VAS Weekly” and class T-shirt due this Friday, too. Classroom items: Books and book series (Scholastic).

24 Questions?

25 THANK YOU for taking the time to come to this afternoon’s “Back to School” session. ~ ~ ~ I am looking forward to having a great school year!!!

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