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Back to School Night August 22, 2013. Curriculum Common Core Standards Language (Reading, Writing, Phonics Skills) Math Science/Social Studies Grades:

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Presentation on theme: "Back to School Night August 22, 2013. Curriculum Common Core Standards Language (Reading, Writing, Phonics Skills) Math Science/Social Studies Grades:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Back to School Night August 22, 2013

2 Curriculum Common Core Standards Language (Reading, Writing, Phonics Skills) Math Science/Social Studies Grades: (S, N, and U) will be given for Science, Social Studies, and Handwriting. A numerical grade will be given for reading, math, skills, and writing. A letter grade To promote to 2 nd grade, the student MUST have 65% or higher in reading AND math.

3 Grading Policy A: 100-90 B: 89-80 C: 79-70 D: 70-65 F: 65 or below

4 Progress Reports Progress Reports- middle of each nine weeks Report cards- end of each nine weeks Conference Day- spring semester Feel free to set up a conference anytime!

5 Behavior Plan Green, Blue, Yellow, Orange, Red- NO PURPLE! Arrow Bucks PBIS Plan: Hallway, Cafeteria, Bus, and Playground Rules NO HITTING! Good Behavior Parties

6 Folders Behavior Calendar will have a number to indicate which rule was broken. Sign behavior calendar! Take out work from the “Keep at Home” side. Notes, homework, etc. will be in “Return to School.”

7 Homework will be sent home on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday. Most of the time there will be a reading and math page along with a take home reader. Guided readers: Sent home twice a week- MUST be returned by Friday of the same week. Graded papers will be sent home every Wednesday. Please sign the sheet in the graded papers folder.

8 Absences and Tardies Child must have a doctor’s excuse to be excused from school. 3 tardies/dismissals=1 absence A child must be at school for 63% of the day in order for him/her to be considered present

9 Birthdays and Parties No invitations may be sent from school Cupcakes/cookies allowed during snack (10:00) or lunch(11:41). Plan for 24 kids 2 Parties per year: Christmas and Valentine’s Day

10 Classroom Visitors/Volunteers Parents are ALWAYS welcome to visit. Please just check in with the office. Weekly Classroom Volunteers can choose a time to come read, help with centers, conduct reading groups, etc. Special Event Volunteers

11 Class Schedule See your packet Monday and Tuesday: P.E. (Wear appropriate clothing) Wednesday: Library Thursday: Music Friday: Art

12 Accelerated Reader Students can not begin AR until they can recognize 100 sight words and reach a DRA level 6. AR Prize Patrol

13 Field Trips 4 throughout the year – Pumpkin Patch Oct. 16 th – Puppet Show Dec. 5th Cash only Wear their Clinton Park tshirt or a black shirt.

14 Scholastic Book Clubs Catalogs go home usually once a month Please have them in by the set date or order online

15 Arrival and Dismissal School begins at 7:45. Any student arriving after that time MUST check in with the office. No student is allowed to check out after 2:00. Traffic begins to back up at this time due to dismissal, so we do not need anymore traffic in the area. If your child’s transportation arrangement changes, please call the school or send a note. Don’t email!

16 Medication Policy Any child who needs medication during the school day MUST turn in a medical form to the front office. I am not allowed to distribute any medicine.

17 Meals We eat lunch at 11:41. Lunch is $2.25 daily.

18 Snack Please do not forget a healthy snack! Extra snacks Snack time is at 10:00

19 PTO PLEASE join our school PTO! The cost is $5.00 per person. The class with the most participants gets a pizza party and bouncy house!

20 Intervention What is Intervention? Who is in Intervention? Will they miss instructional time?

21 Remind 101 Text @25fb5 to (601) 910-7146 You should get a message asking to text back with your full name. After you do this, you will be in the system.

22 Just a Few Reminders.. Make sure you signed in If you have not paid your $50 supply fee, do that ASAP. Grandparents Day Clinton Park Student Handbook Wish List See me after for any questions or comments you may have!!

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