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Aim: Comparing the course of the French Revolution to that of the English and American Revolutions.

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Presentation on theme: "Aim: Comparing the course of the French Revolution to that of the English and American Revolutions."— Presentation transcript:

1 Aim: Comparing the course of the French Revolution to that of the English and American Revolutions

2 “Oppression alone, no matter how great, does not always give rise to a revolutionary situation in a country. In most cases it is not enough for revolution that the lower classes should not want to live in the old way. It is also necessary that the upper classes should be unable to rule and govern in the old way.” Vladimir Lenin, leader of the Russian Revolution

3 Causes of the French Revolution New social classes in increasing conflict with old ones Two great economic problems: –Great hardship due to drought, famine –Debt of the nation, no taxes on the 1 st and 2 nd estates Meeting of the Estates-General (French Parliament / Congress) which had not met since 1614


5 Get in groups by Estate: 1st Estate: Clergy - 3 in a group 2nd Estate: Nobility - 3 in a group 3rd Estate: Everyone Else - 4 or 5 in a group Each group must have at least one literate person to make a list of what you want from the meeting of the Estate-General

6 Send Representatives to the Estates-General Clergy: 3 Representatives Nobility: 3 Representatives Bourgeoisie, Workers, Peasants: 6 Representatives Representatives of the 3rd Estate must be literate!

7 From Estate-General to Revolution (1789) Estates-General gives the French bourgeoisie the opportunity to present themselves as spokesmen for the entire “Third Estate” Parisian “mob” storms the Bastille - frees political prisoners, seizes weapons, demands revolutionary action Parisian women march to Versailles and bring the King and Queen back to Paris - effectively as hostages


9 From Estate-General to Revolution Third Estate representatives declare themselves the “National Assembly” - the government, like English Parliament Freed from the “state terror” of the king and 1st and 2nd Estates, the peasants revolt –Seize land from nobility and Church –Burn old records of feudal obligations Assembly abolishes all feudal obligations and tithes Assembly issues Declaration of the Rights of Man

10 Revolutionary Changes Land is taken from the Church and Nobles who have fled and sold to peasants Church offices to be filled by election – offends many religious peasants Legislative Assembly –Right to vote based on paying taxes – about 60% of men can vote –Only property-holders can be elected representatives

11 The “Radical” Period Revolution under attack –External Threat: Invasion –Internal Threat: Nobility and Clergy tell the peasants the revolution is against god’s will Committee of Public Safety: “Reign of Terror” Guillotine: Execution of enemies of the state Demands for complete equality from women, workers, abolitionists

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