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Warm Up (1/20) Federalists Democratic- Republicans.

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2 Warm Up (1/20)

3 Federalists Democratic- Republicans

4 For the first time, more than one candidate was running for president. Two political parties had slowly developed during Washington’s administration – Federalists and Democratic-Republicans. The Candidates

5 Adams Jefferson

6  The law at the time stated that the person with the most votes would become president, and the second most votes would be vice president.  Adams (Federalist) was elected President.  Jefferson (Democratic-Republican) was Vice President.

7 W204

8  Adams becomes first president to govern from Washington DC.

9  3EY 3EY


11  Adams faced a crisis in foreign policy… French ships began to capture American ships in the West Indies. Adams hope for a peaceful solution.

12 XYZ Affair Adams, in an effort to avoid war with the French, sent 3 ambassadors, Charles Pinckney, John Marshall, and Elbridge Gerry to France. Charles Pinckney John Marshall Elbridge Gerry

13 Charles Maurice de Talleyrand (French Foreign Minister) sent 3 secret agents to demand a bribe. They demanded a $10 million loan for France and $250,000 for Talleyrand. Pinckney replied, “Not a sixpence!” Charles Maurice de Talleyrand

14 Adams reported the incident to Congress immediately! He told about the bribe but refused to tell who the French agents were. Instead, he called them X,Y, and Z (hence the name XYZ Affair) John Adams

15 The XYZ Affair became public in 1798 and Americans were outraged! The national slogan became “Millions for defense but not one cent for tribute!”

16 The anger over the XYZ Affair united the nation, including the Federalists and the Democratic Republicans. Because of national unity on the issue, Adams was able to avoid war with the French

17 Adams’ own Federalist party did not like the way he handled the French. Hamilton and others wanted War! Hamilton believed war would turn support away from Jefferson and to the Federalists because of Democratic-Republican sympathies toward the French

18  SqE&list=PL34B38FF06C54A5EC&safety_mod e=true&persist_safety_mode=1&safe=active SqE&list=PL34B38FF06C54A5EC&safety_mod e=true&persist_safety_mode=1&safe=active

19  The conflict with France made Adams and the Federalists popular with the public. The Democratic-Republicans were not happy with Adams and criticized him in their newspapers. Adams was angered by the criticism. Many immigrants were Democratic-Republicans and to silence them, Congress passed the Alien and Sedition Acts.

20  The Alien Act allowed the President to expel any alien, foreigner, who he thought was dangerous to the country.

21  Sedition means stirring up rebellion against a government. The Sedition Act said that citizens could be fined or jailed if they criticized elected officials.

22  8U 8U

23  The D-Republicans argued the Alien and Sedition Act violated the Constitution. Jefferson called on the states to act! He argued states had a right to nullify, or cancel, a law passed by the federal government.

24  The resolutions declared that each state “has an equal right or judge for itself” whether a law is constitutional or not. If a state declares a law unconstitutional, it can nullify that law within its borders. Nullification gave states a way to resist the growing power of the federal government.  Does not gain much popularity and Adams is not forced to respond

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