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Key Worker Training. 2012 We raised $2,500,468.00.

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Presentation on theme: "Key Worker Training. 2012 We raised $2,500,468.00."— Presentation transcript:

1 Key Worker Training

2 2012 We raised $2,500,468.00

3 2012 theme: “We are the Hope for a Better Tomorrow !” Thank You!

4 2013 Campaign Goal is $2,497,968.56

5 2013 CFC Theme Give TODAY Change TOMORROW

6 Agenda  Introduction  Key Worker role  Catalog of Caring  Contributions  Pledge Cards  Solicitation  Reporting “There is no higher religion than human service. To work for the common good is the greatest creed.” – Albert Schweitzer

7 Introduction Tell me what you know about the CFC Campaign?  The only annual OPM approved solicitation of Federal employees for charity.  Began with a presidential memorandum in 1961; the most successful fundraising model in the world today.  Solicits funds for agencies that provide needed services in our community, our country and throughout the world.  Employees can choose who they want to receive their gift.  Supports many of the charities that employees already support.

8 Key Worker’s Role  You talk to Each individual motivate them to give help them to understand the process –Educate!! ask them to consider giving through CFC answer their questions The Number 1 reason why People don’t give: “ They never asked…” - Anonymous

9 The Catalog of Caring  The Catalog of Caring is the ONLY source for agency listings that is acceptable for the CFC Campaign. Use the Search Engine on  Contributors may not give to any organization NOT Listed in this catalog. No write-ins are allowed.  The catalog is divided into three sections: Local National International


11 Catalog of Caring - Content  The Catalog Introduction Page 3 – CFC Board of Director Page 5 – Communication Contest Page 7 – How to fill out a Pledge Form Page 8–9 describe the CFC Campaign; where the money goes, and where to call for help. Page 9 defines a FEDERATION, gives other general information Pages 10 provide a Table of Contents for donors to locate a Federation or Independent Organization  The Index Begins on page 89, lists all agencies and their catalog page number, and is sorted alphabetically by agency name  Agency Listings Lists Federations and member agencies for Local, National, and International organizations FEDERATIONS are organizations with member agencies of a similar purpose who combine to reduce overhead costs

12 Contribution Methods 1.Payroll deductions Payroll deductions are ENCOURAGED Easiest way to contribute –Small amount each pay period allows for larger gift to organization –Gift is spread out throughout the year –Stops if you quit working 2.Check Contributions Make checks payable to CFC 3.Cash Contributions $1.00 minimum Do not take cash and replace with checks as it makes reconciliation difficult 4.Confidential Contributions May be payroll deduction, check, or cash Should be placed in a white envelope, sealed and marked “Confidential Gift” on the envelope. Include name of Key Worker These will NOT be opened by Key Worker. Campaign manager or agency auditor will open and record these gifts

13 Pledge Cards  Contents: Three parts, white copy, yellow copy, pink copy: 1.White copy is for Payroll Office 2.Yellow copy is for PCFO and accounting purposes 3.Pink copy is for contributor

14 Pledge Cards (continued)  Steps to complete the pledge form: 1.Complete line one with your name, agency, and Social Security Number. (USPS employees may use their Postal ID number) 2.Complete line 2 with your agency address and work telephone number. 3.Complete the amount of your pledge in the ‘Military’ or ‘Civilian’ section 4.Designate where your gift will go by including the 5-digit charity code(s) to the left of the annual pledge amount. In the annual amount area, include how much each agency should receive. If more than 5 agencies are designated, the contributor must complete additional pledge cards. 5.Indicate whether you would like your name released to the agency as a contributor. Indicate also if you would like the amount of your gift released to your designated agencies. 6.If contributing through payroll deduction, you MUST sign and date the pledge form and include your social security number. (USPS may use ID number)

15 The Solicitation  Who to solicit: Peer employees assigned to you in your unit Contractors may be “given the opportunity to participate”. They may not be solicited or approached one-to-one  Who not to solicit: Employees not assigned to you Any subordinates if you are a SUPERVISOR. This is strictly forbidden. Non-Federal Employees. Contractors can participate in CFC events and can give (Cash/Check) to CFC. But they cannot be solicited.

16 The Solicitation (continued)  How to prepare: 1.Complete YOUR OWN pledge card first 2.Understand the Catalog of Caring and how to use it 3.Know the reasons why someone should contribute to CFC 4.Think of reasons that you participate in CFC so you can respond if asked, “Why should I give to CFC?” 5.Make a list of your assigned people so that when you see them the first time, you can mark down when to go back 6.Meet with your CFC Committee regularly. Update your progress and share what works and what not with other keyworkers.

17 The Solicitation (continued)  What to do: 1.Make an appointment to see people on your list. Be on time. 2.Bring Catalog of Caring and pledge card. 3.Thank them for allowing you to discuss the CFC. Ask if they are currently participating in the campaign. Thank them if they are participating. 4.ASK them to consider making a contribution. If you don’t ask, there is a very good chance they will not participate. You may say something like, “I volunteered to be a Key Worker because I believe in helping those most in need. I would like to ask you to consider giving a much needed gift through CFC. It will go a long way towards helping others and allow yourself to feel good about helping.”

18 The Solicitation (continued) 5.Ask if they have any questions. If you do not know the answer, tell them you’ll find out and come back 6.Make an appointment to come back and pick up the pledge form if required 7.Ask everyone to return their pledge form whether or not they elect to participate 8.Explain to the employee they should keep the pink copy for their records. If they have not done so, remove the pink copy when you pick up the pledge form 9.THANK EVERYONE whether they participate or not

19 8 Ways to Start The Ask 1.This year, we are counting on you to… 2.The needs are greater than ever… 3.Your generous support will go a long way… 4.Will you invest in your community… 5.Will you please give a gift of… 6.Please join me and many other caring individuals in giving… 7.I invite you to join me in supporting the CFC 8.Thank you for your previous generous gifts. This year, please consider 9.I’m asking that you consider…


21 Food Insecure in Florida Miami Dade County Broward County Palm Beach CountySouth FloridaFlorida State Population that is Food Insecure17.80%16.50%16.26%19% Number of persons that is Food Insecure441,240286,780212,530949,9103,558,910 Population of Children that is Food Insecure27.40%20.50%23.90% Number of children go to bed hungry149,53085,56064,080296,600 Percent of the total Food Insecure population that qualifies for Entitlement Benefit (SNAP= Food Stamp)78%66%61% Percent of the "WORKING POOR" = the population that is Food Insecure Does NOT qualifies for Entitlement Benefit (SNAP= Food Stamp)22%34%39%29%

22 Other Social Issues Senior Services Human Trafficking Foster Care Medical Disasters Education

23 Reporting & Wrapping Up  Make sure everyone on your list has returned their pledge form  Separate pledge forms where the employee has chosen not to participate  Turn in pledge forms for those who have elected to participate, along with any cash or checks associated with those pledges to your Campaign Manager “ Any fact facing us is not as important as our attitude toward it, for that determines our success or failure.” – Norman Vincent Peale

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