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Colonial Government Government in the colonies varies by the type of charter for that colony. Question: What are the three types of colonial charters?

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Presentation on theme: "Colonial Government Government in the colonies varies by the type of charter for that colony. Question: What are the three types of colonial charters?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Colonial Government Government in the colonies varies by the type of charter for that colony. Question: What are the three types of colonial charters? Charter Colonies Proprietary Colonies Royal Colonies

2 Colonial Government As the colonies grew, so did the colonists views on government. Time and distance from the mother-country necessitated some form of government to be in place. The Crown also had the responsibility to enforce its laws on the colonies.

3 American Colonies Type Colony Government Note Charter Proprietary
Royal Colony Connecticut, Rhode Island Government Governor and Legislature Elected by Colonists Note Great Britain had the right to approve governor, but governor could not veto legislature. Connecticut, Rhode Island Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania Proprietor selected the governor and upper house. Colonists Elected the Lower House Proprietor free to rule. GA, MA, NH, NJ, NY, NC, SC, VA Directly Ruled by Britain. King appointed Gov. and Upper House. Colonists elected the Lower House.

4 The Constitution Written in 1787
Sets out the basic principles upon which government in the United States was built. Fairly brief document. Organized into eight sections Preamble Seven articles 27 Amendments

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